Devices => Androids and other portables => Topic started by: stereoplay on January 12, 2013, 11:02:13 am

Title: Gizmo - Handling of two libraries or folders
Post by: stereoplay on January 12, 2013, 11:02:13 am

I have to two folders, one called "Frank" (that's my music) and one for my girlfriend "Silvi" with subfolders --> (Frank\Artist\Album) and (Silvi\Artist\Album).
When I start Gizmo on the tablet, I wand to choose between the root folders Frank and Silvi.
When I have chosen one, in the next step I want to browse by artists or by album and so on, so that I don't see her music.

I tried it with the file path structure, than album artist (auto), than album.
But then I get also icons for "This Folder" and "Unassigned". If I choose "Unassigned" for example, I see also the files from my girlfriend.

So, this way it won't work and I have not found a way to fix it.

Any suggestions what to do?
