More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 18 for Windows => Topic started by: adrianmak on January 16, 2013, 02:22:11 am
my CPU is Q6600
I'm using media player classic with lav filter and madvr.
After tuning some of madvr settings I could play smoothless.
However When I turn on red october hd, playing a 720p mkv is lagging.
I'm wondering the default madvr setting is pushed very high target for a high-end pc
Yes, if you right click with your mouse when playing a video and select "Directshow filters" one of the options is "MadVR" if you select that a settings screen will appear where you can change MadVR.
However, by default, MadVR uses some of its least demanding settings. It may be you just are not able to use Red October HQ with your current setup. MadVR is more dependent on your GPU than your CPU, what GPU are you using.
If you make a backup of your "Users\account\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 18\Plugins\madVR" folder, you could (I think) copy over your Madvr folder from MPC.
This should have MC18 use the same Madvr settings as MPC is currently using.
I've never tried it so it could be it screws things up, thats why you need to backup that folder.
Yes, if you right click with your mouse when playing a video and select "Directshow filters" one of the options is "MadVR" if you select that a settings screen will appear where you can change MadVR.
However, by default, MadVR uses some of its least demanding settings. It may be you just are not able to use Red October HQ with your current setup. MadVR is more dependent on your GPU than your CPU, what GPU are you using.
Nvidia Geoforce 8800GT
If you make a backup of your "Users\account\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 18\Plugins\madVR" folder, you could (I think) copy over your Madvr folder from MPC.
This should have MC18 use the same Madvr settings as MPC is currently using.
I've never tried it so it could be it screws things up, thats why you need to backup that folder.
Does it mean if could override these files manually when lav filter and madvr release a new version ?
Nvidia Geoforce 8800GT
That does feel very dated for an HTPC, doubly so to use MadVR. You could pick up an incredibly cheap new-gen card that would be far cooler, draw less power, potentially be silent and do a much better job, all for very little money.
You are obviously familiar with madVR. use ctrl-J to bring up the OSD and see when you are dropping frames. try reducing the settings using MadVR settings screen, as I mentioned above, and see how they impact renderering and (if appropriate) deinterlacing times.
Yes. LAV has its own folder next to Madvr.
However, there are no guarantees that MC will work with every new version of Mad or LAV so be careful. I would advise not to update these components unless you can't live without something a new version offers and you absolutely have to update them.
An update from MC will overwrite these folders too so keep a backup if you start doing this.
PS. I doubt an 8800GT would be able to deinterlace with Madvr without dropping frames, but thats just a gut feeling.
is it able to know whether lav filter is working properly with hardware decoder (nvidia cuivd)
In MPC I could open lav filter properties and show active if hardware decoder is being use.
People keep finding things in MC I don't know about :-[, but I don't think it is right now. You certainly can't see the LAV settings screen unless you choose to use a custom filter path instead of Red October HQ. You would need to check your CPU/GPU usage using MPC-HC and MC to see if it appears MC is doing something very different (like software decode). In any case, you need to make sure you check the "H/W accelerate video decoding" box on the video options tab.