Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: MrHaugen on January 21, 2013, 05:54:04 am
JRiver - get this person signed up ASAP :D
Agreed. JRiver would benefit greatly by having a designer/skin creator in the staff imo :)
But they have (noire, odessa etc...)
Agreed. JRiver would benefit greatly by having a designer/skin creator in the staff imo Smiley
I know what you mean.... but...
Suppose that person was churning out skin after skin that you just didn't like? Would you ask J River to fire said person? ;) :)
I don't mean that they should hire someone to mass produce skins. But look at it this way... MC always gets a bit turned down on the looks in reviews. So, there's got to be something in it. I'm just saying that a person with extensive skinning knowledge and design background could do wonders for further development in in some areas that's lacking. Not creating skins all day long, but perhaps modifying and improving things to make it easier to create wonderful skins for our self. I'm NOT talking of fancy graphics only. I'm talking about functionality with the added benefit of looking good.
JRiver has an excellent skinner. We hire her as needed and we like her work.
We've had this discussion before. Your sense of design is different. I like things clean and simple. Microsoft took this to a new level with Metro. It's a bare bones design, but its functionality is excellent.
So, if you want to help, learn to skin. Toss a few out there and see what people say.
[edit by Matt -- insulting posts not welcome here]
Like i have said they have a skinner héhé (a women?)
But i admit some skins made by some skinners here need to be included in the packaging soft because reviewer seems to not know the others fan made skins.
Before in mc 12,13,14,15 we have a skin selector with a link to the skin page ,
we just need to click and the skin install itself why to remove this functionnality?
Purity ,metroX and some others are better than the stock skins yes but the stock skins look professionnal and outdated too ;)
sorry for my english.
I'll close this now. If anyone has something _specific_ and useful to say, please start a thread. Generalities aren't useful.