Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Maverick07 on February 20, 2013, 10:46:31 am
Well it passed some time since ive made the ecqlipse2 icons for the player...
so ive decided to update almost every icon to fit better to the MetroX skin.
To download the icons, youve got to download the MetroX skin - its already included.
Cool. Very cool! :)
I did following updates for my personal use and to get the set more compatible to MC18. I now use different Icons for:
- Playlist/Playlistgroup/Smartlist
- Playing Now active/Playing Now inactive/Playing now overview
If you're interested in I could send them to you. You can perhaps integrate them to an updated version if you want to...
This icons are beautifull even on my "overcoloured" skin :p a lot of works involved thank you maverick :D
well thx StFeder
but its hard to do it, without seeing the result.
Maybe i will install the trial version on some other pc, to see whats going on.
I have noticed icons in the action windows (tag,handled etc...) at the left bottom are missing it's better than the default one with metro style but does it 'll be possible to have an udate for this icons?
I to was unhappy with having no icons in action window. First I used the standard icons in greyscale which looks better compared to their colorful version. But I ended up redoing the icons I need to fit even better. But I'm not that gifted as maverick is so they're based on his icons and don't look as professional as his icons do :-\
I also would be happy to see action window icons from the professional ;)
To bridge this period of time I would share my already done icons, but as they are based on Mavericks work I'm not sure if I'm allowed to... but I'll add a preview which shows how they could look...
These are not bad but not made with a vectoriel software :(
Maverick help us ^^
I redone the action window and create a full range of icons
Maybe the color is not your mood but that was for my project skin
Here some variation for u
Choose whatever you like it.
Well i wont make icons for the action Window
icons ive once tried, looked to small or to big, couldt make them the right size...
both of your versions look good
Just a Hint...
ive made them with 100% opacity - rounded the edges (20% eraser) - selected the layer and used a minimum of gaussian blur
anyway, if the action window looks to empty for you - try one of the attached .pngs
Thanks Maverick for the dot but i 'll use Sirgeo icons these are perfect for me:)
Sirgeo a new skin? need a preview :p
Edit i have choosen the gray one and made the background same color of the action windows looks perfect thx again :D
Thanks Maverick for the dot but i 'll use Sirgeo icons these are perfect for me:)
Sirgeo a new skin? need a preview :p
Edit i have choosen the gray one and made the background same color of the action windows looks perfect thx again :D
You can find here info about what i working, but for now i stopped. Other issue to attend.
ah i'm remember :) i was the first to post on your topic ;)
As someone ask me to remake this action window icons i create a new ones without background, and therefore i share it.
Only a red color, but if you want another color just ask it.
already maid mine but you're are better for to switch with skins thx Sirgeo :)
A grey color would be nice for others and quick just desaturate them :)
Here some variation
Perfect! Thanks for sharing them!
Perfect! Thanks for sharing them!
I liked ...
Thx Sirgeo!
No problem guys, glad to help you, and maybe one day i move my ass to finish that skin already :)
Just a wish, it would be nice that we could have different icon sets for each skin, or each skin its own iconset. The las ecqlipse set is very nice but I preffer the folders of the older version..... (see capture)
AND I really really miss the skin manager and the mini skins This Metro X could have a thin dark bar with player controls and a playlist that could be shaded....
Nice Work guys
i prefer too the olds ones but i don't use files in MC :)