More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 18 for Mac => Topic started by: Audioclyde on February 27, 2013, 02:46:51 pm

Title: DSD playback?
Post by: Audioclyde on February 27, 2013, 02:46:51 pm
I am using JRiver, with my Mac Mini connected to a Meitner MA-1 DAC.  I play DSD files (without conversion to PCM) with other software such as Audirvana via the DAC's USB input, of course using the DSD over PCM (USB DoP 1.0) method.

So far, my DSD files will not play (natively) using JRiver; I get variations of the message that it can't be played at that resolution via Core Audio.

Is DSD playback (natively) not yet supported?



P.S. Sound quality is very, very promising!!
Title: Re: DSD playback?
Post by: Matt on February 27, 2013, 02:53:29 pm
DSD should work, but only as PCM.

Bitstreaming using DoP is coming in a couple weeks.
Title: Re: DSD playback?
Post by: Weedos123 on February 27, 2013, 03:07:56 pm
I have a Mytek DAC and currently use it via firewire, it supports DSD natively.  So will DoP work over firewire as well as USB and does it depend on driver support?

If you are going to use DoP for all DACs even those that support it natively, what is the DSD setting for in Options/Bitstreaming? Or have I missed something.

Title: Re: DSD playback?
Post by: Audioclyde on February 27, 2013, 04:05:22 pm
Thanks Matt; just wanted to be sure I was just missing a setting somewhere.
Title: Re: DSD playback?
Post by: jad17 on February 28, 2013, 03:55:10 am
I play XXXX.iso files (DSD by DoP) on MC18 on my PC
I just purchased MC for my MACBOOK PRO. Does .iso files playing will be available on further versions of MC for MAC ?
Title: Re: DSD playback?
Post by: Matt on February 28, 2013, 12:51:16 pm
SACD ISO support will work next build.
Title: Re: DSD playback?
Post by: JHR on March 01, 2013, 12:51:39 pm
SACD ISO support will work next build.

SACD ISOs don't work in the 142 build for me (the "next" build). I opened a bug, but MC won't import or play them from Finder. The Mac seems to think they are disc files (and rightly so--they are :)).

Is there a size limit? The file I'm testing with is a PS3 concatenation of a few SACDs and just about 4GB. I'm playing it from a USB3 drive attached to the Mac.

Same file (and similar) plays with no issues on MC 18 Windows.

ETA: I did an install on a new Mac, and SACD import worked. So there's something about my previous install of 142 on my original Mac that is not clean enough from previous drivers.
Title: Re: DSD playback?
Post by: JohnT on March 04, 2013, 08:26:04 am
On the previous install that's not working, you could try deleting the file from your library and re-importing.