More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 18 for Mac => Topic started by: bob on March 14, 2013, 05:36:43 pm
This is an alpha release of Media Center for Mac. If you aren't comfortable with a few problems, please wait a few days.
Please read this ( before downloading.
[Build pulled by JimH for crashes -- see below]
18.0.150 (3/14/2013)
1. NEW: Added Convolution DSP (same 64-bit SSE3 accelerated engine used on Windows).
2. NEW: Media Network (DLNA, Library Server, JRemote, etc.) available in options (still a work in progress).
3. NEW: MP3 encoding added.
4. NEW: Added configurable 'Channel offset' to Options > Audio > Output mode settings to allow targeting channels starting at something other than 1 (useful with pro / studio devices).
5. NEW: Drag-n-drop mostly working (within program, out of program, but not yet into program).
6. NEW: Added support for DSD bitstreaming using DoP.
7. Changed: Switched the timeout to April 16.
8. NEW: Wake On Lan implemented on Mac.
18.0.146 (3/8/2013)
1. Changed: Added support for more audio hardware (Lynx Hilo, RME Fireface UC, etc.).
2. Changed: Double-click, escape, etc. work on the playback display to exit Display View.
3. Fixed: Using some tools like Analyze Audio and Get Cover Art could prevent the program from closing even if they were no longer running.
18.0.143 (3/5/2013)
1. Fixed: Removed printing options from menu as they are not available yet on Mac and could cause a crash.
2. Changed: Changed text and link on "Help -> Registration Info" pop-up to reflect timeout and no license needed.
3. Fixed: Using cmd-Q to exit the program would result in a crash.
4. Fixed: Program text was garbled in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean translations.
18.0.142 (2/28/2013)
1. Fixed: SACD ISO files were not importing.
2. Fixed: Several cover art issues.
3. NEW: Internet POST requests work (makes, etc.).
4. Fixed: If a background thread showed a message box, it would lead to a hang.
5. NEW: File move, rename, copy dialog functional. Not recommended for large scale or critical file operations until more testing is done.
6. Fixed: Problems with support of 32 bit only OSX systems, e.g. playback of MP3 files.
18.0.141 (2/26/2013)
1. Fixed: Sound devices that requested planar instead of interleaved data were not working.
2. Fixed: Cover art next to audio files was not loading properly.
18.0.140 (2/25/2013)
1. Fixed: The program would not run on systems without SSE 4.1 support.
2. Changed: Retooled SSE assembly everywhere in the program so that SSSE 3 is the low-water mark for SSE acceleration (previously SSE 4.1 was required in most places to get acceleration).
3. Fixed: Thread priorities were not implemented fully on Mac.
18.0.139 (2/22/2013)
1. Fixed: Wrong options file was being used in the 138 build resulting in frequent crashes.
18.0.138 (2/22/2013)
1. NEW: Added support for Core Audio exclusive output in Options > Audio > Output mode settings (enabled by default).
2. Fixed: Memory playback was not working properly.
3. Fixed: Plugins were not working because working path was not being set, this caused playback to fail.
18.0.137 (2/21/2013)
1. Fixed: Audio format converter working.
2. Changed: Register dynamic libs on first run after install rather than every startup.
3. Changed: Auto-update partially works. It will show whether version is up to date and download new version. Need to manually install.
4. Fixed: Show/Set update download directory not working.
5. Fixed: Search in options dialog not working.
6. Fixed: Encoder properties dialog in options not working.
7. Fixed: Clicking away from in-place editing box doesn't cancel edit mode.
8. Fixed: Mouse wheel support.
9. Changed: Close,Minimize,Maximize buttons moved to left side of frame.
10. Fixed: Lots of UI windowing issues (z-order, white windows, black windows, floating windows, etc.) should be fixed.
11. Fixed: Files with really long path names weren't importing.
18.0.136 (2/20/2013)
1. Fixed: Library backup / restore works, although restoring a library from the Windows version is not fully working yet.
2. Fixed: Internal volume working.
3. Fixed: Player window displaying wrong playback time.
4. Fixed: Some of the window z-order issues.
5. Changed: Somewhat friendlier message about lack of web browser support.
6. Changed: New and improved installer graphic.
18.0.133 (2/15/2013)
1. NEW: First release of Media Center on Mac.
DLNA server was working but it's broken now.
4 crashes right off the bat on 150. Sorta random. 1 opening the DSP window. 1 just touching Playing Now. 2 trying to play a zone that is tied to Airplay.
I did have a zone playing that is tied to the local optical output. This was on the second try after the Playing Now touch crash noted above.
All on a 2012 Macbook Pro with 16gb memory. OSX is 10.8.2.
What would you like for me to send?
If you're having crashes, please turn off Media Network (Options > Media Network) and see if it helps.
MacMini server (core2duo), OS 10.6.8:
Playback with Maya USB soundcard finally works - thank you!
I like the thinner font because it is not as blurry as the other one - better to read for me.
Trying to set any options in the options dialog window crashes the application.
Trying to add a field to the listview crashes the application.
Trying to edit a field in the grid (F2 rename) crashes the application.
Importing new files to the library often crashes the application.
The Volume slider always starts at 20% in spite of the setting of 80% in the options.
Increasing the volume with the mouse is like dragging with a rubberband.
The slider doesn't follow the mousepointer fast enough.
I can play music now but the application is crashing very frequently if i try to alter any settings.
The same is true for an iMac (core2duo) with OS 10.7.5:
Trying to alter the grouping in a view crashes the application etc.
The application even crashes after two minutes without doing anything (no playback, nothing but starting the app).
Media Network is off in both cases.
Oy....this build's a bit of a diva. It crashed several times already, in operations it was handling just fine in build 146.
Using the Library Tools: change file locations; that was working fine, but now it will crash the app, not every time, but often.
Update library from tags; also crashes the app, not every time.
I'm also not sure about the font change; the thinner type makes the whole thing a lot harder to read. I really liked the font you were using in Build 146.
Anyway: back to Build 146 for now, but I'll stay on the upgrade path as the new builds come.
Attached is the crash info. This event was adding an album to a zone that plays (or used to) to Airplay.
Note: I did turn off Media Network before this event. Turned it off and closed MC, then restarted before initiating steps leading to the noted crash.
See attached.
Mountain Lion OS, 8G Ram, turned Media Network off, but every time I try to enable bitstreaming for DSD, it crashes and won't accept the change.
Still the same problem in SL with building a smartlist. Only listened for a few minutes but otherwise no crashes
Yes I concur it was crash prone
Seems if it touch it is breaks. Was looking forward to testing Media streaming, maybe this is where the instability lies. When ever I even look at server status to see what's happening...crash.
Look forward to the next version.
:( Where can I find the download? Can you help me please
:( Where can I find the download? Can you help me please
.150 is out, in the meantime you can download the previous version (.146) here: (
I can't set any options in version 18.0.150 because the application crashes reliable every time i want to apply that option.
Unfortunately MC does not remember what i altered before the crash.
So , in fact, no modifications are possible.
Is there a way to do this via editing a textile (.plist, .xml)?