Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: ElQuia on March 24, 2013, 04:04:28 pm

Title: ecqlipse icons to dark .... recap
Post by: ElQuia on March 24, 2013, 04:04:28 pm
sorry guys, cant seem to find the post. a time ago I asked maverik I beleive or the author of ecqlipse icons for a set that would contrast well with dark top bar.

Lost them and cant find them

¿Could someone post them please?
Title: Re: ecqlipse icons to dark .... recap
Post by: StFeder on March 24, 2013, 05:35:29 pm
Are you looking for those?!
Updated Custom Icons (
Title: Re: ecqlipse icons to dark .... recap
Post by: StFeder on March 24, 2013, 05:39:16 pm
Or are you talking about this thread: ? There you were talking about colors and icons ;)
Title: Re: ecqlipse icons to dark .... recap
Post by: ElQuia on March 26, 2013, 12:47:04 pm
Or are you talking about this thread: ? There you were talking about colors and icons ;)

I was talking about this thread  :-X
Well the problem I have is with Maverik7 MetroX new skins (magenta and cyan), I use a toolbar on the top border of the windows as seen in that post screenshots. With ALL other black or dark skins the icons show up grey. With MetroX, both using older version of eclipse icons or the ones that come with skin the upper menubar+toolbar (AIO) dont show only menu shows grey on mouseover

Screenshots attached


Uh ... StFeder, THANKS :)
Title: Re: ecqlipse icons to dark .... recap
Post by: kurushi on March 26, 2013, 03:34:27 pm
All colors can be modified in the main.xml.
here's the section for toolbars.

Code: [Select]
<Entry Name="TopBar" TextColor="69c227" HilightTextColor="000000" SelectedTextColor="f11198" SeparatorColor="FFFFFF" OffsetX="10" />
<Entry Name="BottomBar" TextColor="878787" HilightTextColor="000000" SelectedTextColor="f11198" SeparatorColor="b6b6b6"/>
<Entry Name="StatusBar" Bitmap="groupbox_CaptionArea.png" NumberImages="1"  Margins="0,0,0,0" TextColor="1c1c1c" />
<Entry Name="TargetBar" Bitmap="groupbox_topborder.png" Margins="0,1,0,1" ActiveTextColor="000000" />
Title: Re: ecqlipse icons to dark .... recap
Post by: ElQuia on March 26, 2013, 05:02:15 pm
All colors can be modified in the main.xml.
here's the section for toolbars.

Code: [Select]
<Entry Name="TopBar" TextColor="69c227" HilightTextColor="000000" SelectedTextColor="f11198" SeparatorColor="FFFFFF" OffsetX="10" />
<Entry Name="BottomBar" TextColor="878787" HilightTextColor="000000" SelectedTextColor="f11198" SeparatorColor="b6b6b6"/>
<Entry Name="StatusBar" Bitmap="groupbox_CaptionArea.png" NumberImages="1"  Margins="0,0,0,0" TextColor="1c1c1c" />
<Entry Name="TargetBar" Bitmap="groupbox_topborder.png" Margins="0,1,0,1" ActiveTextColor="000000" />

uhhh kurushi thanks, but that is chinese for me, I know nothing of coding.. I can edit an xml file though so if you could post the same block setting text or icon color for toolbarse in a medium grey it would be cool, strange maverik missed this....
Title: Re: ecqlipse icons to dark .... recap
Post by: kurushi on March 29, 2013, 07:26:48 am
well try to replace all the "texcolor" by this one :    6a6a6a
or if u want u can replace by 000000 (its pure black) 101010 is dark grey 202020 is more light 303030 etc and so on
Here's a test with a "303030"

Code: [Select]
<Entry Name="TopBar" TextColor="303030" HilightTextColor="ffffff" SelectedTextColor="f11198" SeparatorColor="303030" OffsetX="10" />
<Entry Name="BottomBar" TextColor="303030" HilightTextColor="ffffff" SelectedTextColor="f11198" SeparatorColor="303030"/>
<Entry Name="StatusBar" Bitmap="groupbox_CaptionArea.png" NumberImages="1"  Margins="0,0,0,0" TextColor="1c1c1c" />
<Entry Name="TargetBar" Bitmap="groupbox_topborder.png" Margins="0,1,0,1" ActiveTextColor="ffffff" />

replace the toolbars section of you're main xml by this one
ctrl+f and type toolbars u 'll find the section :)
Title: Re: ecqlipse icons to dark .... recap
Post by: ElQuia on April 01, 2013, 06:59:44 pm
kurushi: did that, there must be some other interaction in this skin (see capture) with 303030 it shows menus and icons but you gotta look hard to find them ;D
All other dark or black skins are ok  ? ?
Thanks for your support!

Edit: found a folder named visible_toolbar in the skin folder that had another xml

   <Entry Name="TopBar" TextColor="828282" HilightTextColor="cccccc" SelectedTextColor="FFFFFF" SeparatorColor="828282" OffsetX="10" />
   <Entry Name="BottomBar" TextColor="828282" HilightTextColor="cccccc" SelectedTextColor="ffffff" SeparatorColor="828282"/>
   <Entry Name="StatusBar" Bitmap="groupbox_CaptionArea.png" NumberImages="1"  Margins="0,0,0,0" TextColor="FFFFFF" />
   <Entry Name="TargetBar" Bitmap="groupbox_topborder.png" Margins="0,1,0,1" ActiveTextColor="000000" />

Replaced original and got following screen.

So solved and thanks a bunch!!!
Title: Re: ecqlipse icons to dark .... recap
Post by: kurushi on April 02, 2013, 09:47:15 am
glad it's ok but if u have put 505050 no 303030 u 'll see them easily.
for me 303030 is ok.