Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: SkGe on May 03, 2013, 09:10:01 am
My new skin is available for download
I did work a lot on it, some period i stopped, other i came with some ideas how to change the skin and this is what born. I will for sure looking to improve the skin and what i consider to look better but for now the first version is available.
Enjoy it and use if you like and add an comment of good and bad things you find it.
Thanks again for the Greatest player ever (at least for me :D)
Custom art folder is optional, what i do there is what i use on my player so maybe u dont want it, but i suggest to use it, because i design in idea with the skin so will work well.
Hope you will like the new skin.
This is where you will find the skin.
Looks Nice, Will Try with and without custom data, the problem of custom data is that when you change skins (I do that a lot) you have to replace manually again the icons, etc.
¿Maybe JRiver could find a way of avoiding that so that artista could create mor beautifull skins and us users could EASILY deply? ?
I liked it.
Interesting the edges of the album cover.
I'm using, but I think the buttons (play pause ...) could be bigger.
Can it be?
Probably can be bigger, but i think it will not fit so well in the main toolbar, because toolbar has a 70 height pixel and the play button have 39 pixel height, so if i make it larger something gone not fit good there.
I wonder, why so few people have look on my skin perhaps they don't like or why!?, sometimes i put this question by myself, i think this it will be last skin ill share it, not because i don't do it but it seems nobody like my work so for that i will stop it, or maybe inside of me desire some gratitude, who knows... anyway that's what pass in my mind right now.
Don't fret my friend your work is great.
It's always good to see all the work you put into these skins.
Just don't always reply. I'll make a note for the future to do so.
I like it, the transparent elements look nice and clean too. As others have said it wouldn't hurt the buttons to be slightly bigger and or a bit more to the right tho.
As others have said it wouldn't hurt the buttons to be slightly bigger and or a bit more to the right tho.
I'm waiting ...
Keep up the great work! Skin is really modern looking with visually appealing color contrasts. A few pieces of helpful criticism to possibly help further refine the skin, if you're open to it. :)
-Agree about the buttons.
-Also, perhaps those little bits to the left and right of the play/pause button could be transparent. If that doesn't look right, perhaps they can be cleaned up in a different way?
-Not too crazy about the green used to highlight selected albums art. The same green looks pretty good though when selecting a song in the details pane. Perhaps you can find a green that looks equally as good in both.
- Change the blue icons in the tree view to better match the overall color palette.
Keep up the great work! Skin is really modern looking with visually appealing color contrasts. A few pieces of helpful criticism to possibly help further refine the skin, if you're open to it. :)
-Agree about the buttons.
-Also, perhaps those little bits to the left and right of the play/pause button could be transparent. If that doesn't look right, perhaps they can be cleaned up in a different way?
-Not too crazy about the green used to highlight selected albums art. The same green looks pretty good though when selecting a song in the details pane. Perhaps you can find a green that looks equally as good in both.
- Change the blue icons in the tree view to better match the overall color palette.
I will look on the buttons to see what i can do, but so far what i manage to make is weird and don't place so good, so i think i need to rework them to fit the toolbar better.
About the color is the same color as you selected in the list view or thumbnail view, so if i change the color is for both.
As for the blue icons, i dont know what u talking about, refresh my memory because i don't see none of the blue icons.
As some persons ask to make a bigger buttons i try it and i hope you like the new size of the buttons, are not so large but is to fit well in the design :)
If you want them bigger no worry i can make as my house ;D
Drag and drop on your skin folder.
Another small modification is the option list change in another color, well that come in my mind so :D
U know Sirgeo am fell like you :) we involve a lot of love in our labor and nobody speak,suggest or say thanks or even i don't like for x reasons (appear some peopple for me like fabricio who is a great fan ad some others) but anyway its better to share it i have maid the test to do a teaser and even nobody intersted so i have don't released it
But i love you're new skin (from the screenshot) so i' ll try and brb what i think ;) (i wasn't here for some times so i just discovered the release now :)
I think maverick goes for this too there's not so much feedback in skins :(
I like the look of this and I like trying the skins you guys make.
I seem to have a bit of trouble resizing it though.
Perhaps I didn't install it properly.
U know Sirgeo am fell like you :) we involve a lot of love in our labor and nobody speak,suggest or say thanks or even i don't like for x reasons (appear some peopple for me like fabricio who is a great fan ad some others) but anyway its better to share it i have maid the test to do a teaser and even nobody intersted so i have don't released it
But i love you're new skin (from the screenshot) so i' ll try and brb what i think ;) (i wasn't here for some times so i just discovered the release now :)
I think maverick goes for this too there's not so much feedback in skins :(
I know maybe some peoples don't use so often the view i used myself, maybe some use theater view, or others don't butter to use new skin, what i do is for myself and if i desire i share it for others and maybe some we like or not, but for now im use it with the things goes, so i try my best to continue making cool stuff, and maybe to throw here and there some new idea or anything else.
I don't desire from people charring me or anything else, if someone enjoy my work then my work is done :D
But from my point of view people who lead this software it seems that they put on the last place the design and interface of this GREAT program, i know they do good things on other area, but interface between software and user is almost zero, look at the past skins, i don't say mine is great but it better than average.
And another problem, the interface look unchanged from many version of the software and i will not think they will change something in near future, and to be honest is time for a new fresh start with the interface and add something cool in it. I have some idea of what to be in, but don't think it will be the time to tell it.
And thank to who use my skin and like it.
I like the look of this and I like trying the skins you guys make.
I seem to have a bit of trouble resizing it though.
Perhaps I didn't install it properly.
Bob i don't understand a thing of what you mean in this words :D
I mean, I like the skins you are making.
For evolution, though, I can't seem to resize it. If I try to make it smaller by dragging in on the top or sides or corner, the cursor changes but the MC window won't resize.
I mean, I like the skins you are making.
For evolution, though, I can't seem to resize it. If I try to make it smaller by dragging in on the top or sides or corner, the cursor changes but the MC window won't resize.
On the main.xml file you need to change some code to resize at your desire
<Data MinimumWidth="960" MinimumHeight="1000" />
This is what i allow on my desktop to be, so maybe you will need to change in what size you want it.
Maybe this will help you (my resolution is 1920x1080) and that is what i work it.
How do you install it?
On the main.xml file you need to change some code to resize at your desire
<Data MinimumWidth="960" MinimumHeight="1000" />
This is what i allow on my desktop to be, so maybe you will need to change in what size you want it.
Maybe this will help you (my resolution is 1920x1080) and that is what i work it.
I changed to
<Data MinimumWidth="564" MinimumHeight="423" />
Thanks ...
How do you install it?
U mean how you install the skin? if so, you just unzip the folders in the section where you have the program instal, aka c/program files/j river/media center 18/data or skin folder.
Hope this will help you.