More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 18 for Mac => Topic started by: JohnT on May 07, 2013, 03:42:12 pm
This is an alpha release of Media Center for Mac. If you aren't comfortable with a few problems, please wait a few weeks. Please post bugs here. Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion. Non-bug posts will be deleted.
18.0.179 (5/7/2013)
1. Changed: Main windows are no longer marked as 'not opaque' (as this could cause performance issues on some machines).
2. Fixed: The 'Tempo & Pitch' DSP plugin was causing crashes during playback.
3. Fixed: Metadata in languages such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc. was not displaying correctly - just drawing square boxes.
4. NEW: Added support for play / pause, previous, next, and volume media keys[.
5. Changed: 3GA files are treated like AAC / MP4 audio files, so they can import, play, and tag.
6. Fixed: Using the popup expression editor from an in-place expression editor in options could lead to a crash.
7. Fixed: The mouse controls could become unavailable with certain types of displays in Display View with build 178.
18.0.178 (5/3/2013)
1. Changed: Rounded frame edges (used by many skins) are supported.
2. Fixed: OSX 10.6 would show an extra window border around the main frame.
3. Fixed: The Apple internet reader couldn't seek so wave, aiff and probably other content couldn't be played over media network.
4. Fixed: OSX 10.6 could hide the main window when a child window went away.
5. Fixed: Some parts of the user interface would not respond to the mouse in build 177.
18.0.177 (5/2/2013)
1. Changed: When a modal dialog is shown, the parent behind the popup will be disabled so it can't be clicked and used while the dialog is showing.
2. Changed: Modal dialogs no longer always float above regular windows or windows from other programs.
3. Changed: Options > Audio > Core Audio > Output mode settings... allows some configuration of hardware buffer sizes (please experiment and report results if you're having playback problems).
4. Fixed: When the user interface used system windows, they could incorrectly appear outside the bounds their parent window (like during scrolling the Playing Now > Overview view).
5. Fixed: Tag changes weren't getting saved to files that reside on network drives.
6. Changed: Revised the system window show / hide method to hopefully work better and avoid a few cases where a hidden window could appear.
18.0.176 (5/1/2013)
1. Changed: The 'minimize' button now works.
2. Fixed: Library Server delta (change) merges were not working.
3. Changed: Non-working 3D album view removed from tree.
4. Changed: 'Wait' messages not shown in this build to try to eliminate some random crashes.
18.0.174 (4/25/2013)
1. Fixed: Crash in DSP studio dialog when selecting a sample rate.
2. Fixed: Encoding to ALAC could crash in some cases.
3. Fixed: On the Import wizard, clicking cancel when it recommended not using an empty auto-import folder list would leave the wizard in a strange state.
4. Changed: The program better detects read-only mounts and messages right away when tagging files on these drives (instead of piling up the files in the tagging queue and messaging when closing the program).
18.0.173 (4/25/2013)
1. Fixed: Crashes resulting from named locking not being implemented on Mac, especially when settings changes were made (including in background processing).
2. Changed: Updated Chinese language file (thanks kelijun).
3. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar).
4. SDK: Added ZoneID, ZoneName, and LinkedZones to MCWS/v1/Playback/Info response.
5. NEW: A saved Play Doctor Playchart allows setting the number of output files to 100, 250, 500, or 1000 (previously it was locked at 100).
6. Fixed: When a CUE file pointed to a missing WAV file, it would lead to problems.
7. Fixed: If a DLNA device requested metadata for a file that's no longer in the library (or never was in the library), it could crash.
8. Fixed: CUE files that contained URLs in comments could lead to a crash.
9. Fixed: Horizontal scrolling in the Playing Now > Overview view was not working nicely.
10. Fixed: Long M4A files (over 10 hours) could show as 'Live' or with the wrong or empty duration in the library.
18.0.169 (4/15/2013)
1. NEW: When enabling Media Network, a wizard is shown that steps through starting the server, getting an Access Key, and selecting the best server for your renderer.
2. Changed: Consolidated the list of DLNA server presets and added a preset for Audiophile DACs.
3. Fixed: SSDP discovery (used by DLNA) was not working in some cases in builds 167 and 168.
4. Changed: DLNA options to be more descriptive of what's actually going on.
18.0.168 (4/12/2013)
1. Fixed: Dates in file lists were not taking daylight savings time into account.
2. Fixed: File modified date not getting set properly during tagging, causing auto-update to do more work than necessary.
3. Fixed: SSDP servers were not working properly in 18.0.167 so DLNA devices would not show up.
18.0.167 (4/11/2013)
1. Changed: Unused input and output streams on audio hardware are disabled, helping performance with multi-channel devices.
2. Fixed: Writing of ID3v2 tags that contained extended characters could write an incorrect tag value.
18.0.166 (4/10/2013)
1. Fixed: M4A / ALAC tagging reading and writing could be problematic if the 'Play files from memory' option was enabled.
2. Fixed: When bitstreaming DSD as DoP, the bitstream could fall out of DoP mode on pause or if there was a data shortfall.
3. Changed: Revised buffer filling strategy to always provide a full buffer to devices (more deterministic, and seems to work better with some devices).
4. Fixed: Some hardware could have a clicking sound during playback.
5. Fixed: 'Open URL..' was not working (i.e. radio streams).
6. Fixed: Durations were wrong when playing from Library Servers.
18.0.165 (4/8/2013)
1. Changed: Moved the timeout out a month.
2. Fixed: The core timer object could incorrectly return negative numbers, causing lots of weird problems like an unclickable tree, etc.
3. Changed: Added support for connecting to Library Servers that require authentication.
18.0.164 (4/5/2013)
1. Fixed: The dialog for customizing DLNA views was not working nicely.
2. NEW: The Add Library dialog now supports loading remote Library Server libraries.
3. Fixed: This build should fix a lot of seemingly random crashes caused by a bug in our event handling code.
18.0.163 (4/4/2013)
1. NEW: Auto-import watched folders are now working.
18.0.162 (4/3/2013)
1. Fixed: The program could crash after showing the summary at the end of an auto-import.
2. Changed: Revised buffer management for multi-channel devices that use an array of mono buffers (may solve click issues on these devices).
3. Fixed: Library tree browsing was not working properly with file location categories.
18.0.161 (4/2/2013)
1. Fixed: Tab, shift-Tab, F2, and up/down arrows work for navigating the list while doing tag editing.
2. Fixed: When a tooltip was covering a list item, the item could not be played or modified using the mouse.
3. Fixed: Library views that browse by file path were not working.
18.0.156 (3/25/2013)
1. Fixed: Memory leak with regard to auto-released system objects.
2. Fixed: Memory leak with cleanup of background threads.
3. Fixed: DSP Studio > Room Correction > Channel buttons were not working to switch channels.
4. Fixed: Sub-menu flyouts not hiding after moving to other menu items.
5. Fixed: Newly created smartlists could have a '/' in the name rather than going to the right playlist folder.
6. Faster: Improved user interface drawing efficiency and performance.
18.0.155 (3/22/2013)
1. Changed: Improved messaging when attempting to tag read-only files.
2. Fixed: The File > Open File... dialog was not allowing selection of files.
3. Faster: Improved the core threading engine so that background threads are much less resource intensive.
4. Fixed: Memory playback could work harder than necessary in some cases.
18.0.154 (3/21/2013)
1. Changed: The program now requires a license (after a 30 day free trial).
2. Fixed: Tagging of some formats was not working when the files were on a different volume than the system.
Still getting a popup message "Something went wrong with playback" when trying to open a url. It was working perfectly till version 177.
Still getting a popup message "Something went wrong with playback" when trying to open a url. It was working perfectly till version 177.
It should be fixed in a coming build.
Thanks for your patience.
Still get a crash when I launch the application, Choose Tools->Options and then click ok.
Mac Mini Late 2012 - 16 Gig Memory - 10.8.3 OS - JRiver .179
This happened with the previous two releases as well.
Let me know if you need more details or a log file
Ditto on this as well…
Media Network only, USB seems fine
:thumb :thumb on the tempo and pitch
Still getting a popup message "Something went wrong with playback" when trying to open a url. It was working perfectly till version 177.
I spoke to soon about USB.
Stuttering and the longer I play the worse it gets.
I'll try a re-start…
Edit: after a re-start it worked much-mo-better.
It may have been due to me messing, as in really screwing with, the pitch control. The units it displays are not labeled so I can't really tell what my 'proper' setting should be, so I fussed with it to try and get a handle on where it should reside. That may have been the, or a, cause for going sideways.
I also restarted the Media Network and have been running on it. Ultimately it is less 'stable' and lasts less time than 178.
Hey, media keys! Great. Works well. Thanks.
EDIT: Play/pause, yes; skip buttons, no. No visual feedback on volume changes (which I previously had turned on). Still, progress...