More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 18 for Mac => Topic started by: JimH on May 18, 2013, 09:07:34 am
18.0.187 has a fix for a problem with APE files on 10.6.8. Can anyone now reproduce any other crash? If so, please tell us how you do it and include the following:
OS version (full version number)
Type of file
Are files stored locally or on a USB or network drive?
Are you using any Media Network features?
Thanks for your help.
I'm still having the crash triggered by any type of search.
I could post a screen recording if that helps.
remote windows server
If you go to Tools->Options and Volume Mode and select "Disabled" and click okay, or close the window, then open Tools->Options it will show Volume Mode as blank. Clicking Okay or the red button will crash the MC.
I'm having a situation where MC 18 Mac crashes while playing host over network to the PC. The crash happens randomly but the program will quit unexpectedly, usually when moving from one song to the next.
Media Center 18 for Mac, Alpha build 187
OS X 10.7.5 Lion
AAC/MP4 and MP3 (so far)
Music is stored on an external Firewire drive connected to the iMac
I have Output Format checked in "DSP and Output Format" under the Audio option. Using JRSS Mixing, 2-channel; in Sample Rate I have set "less than 44,100" and "41,000" Inputs to 48,000 Output.
NOTE: MC 18 Mac does not crash locally; it's very stable.
I preserved two of the crash logs from the Apple Error Report dialogue.
-- Tom
I sent a mail to John.
Thanks, Gianni.
I have updated to .187 and (still) experience crashes 100% of the time I open MC. It seems that the auto-import is what causes it, or any large import for that matter as I have tried "importing a single folder" and if it contains more than a couple hundred songs, the program will crash 100% of the time. I still cannot get my files into my library because of this issue.
I have updated to .187 and (still) experience crashes 100% of the time I open MC. It seems that the auto-import is what causes it, or any large import for that matter as I have tried "importing a single folder" and if it contains more than a couple hundred songs, the program will crash 100% of the time. I still cannot get my files into my library because of this issue.
Please use Help > Logging and send a crash log to johnt at jriver (dot) com.
Thank you, I sent the logs over. It seems it only crashes when I try to import a large folder of FLAC audio files, that or there is a certain file or set of files that it is hitting and crashing on everytime, because I tried to import another external music collection which is mainly MP3's, and it seems to be importing them without issue.
Everytime i try to create the "Access Key" for media network. First it won't start. than when i double click on it then it will crash. This repro 100%, it said media server closed unexpectedly and pop out a dialog to reopen.
Please help fix this so the remote work. thx
No crashes, but the app is stuck on the overview screen. Clicking on any section (artist, album, genre) flashes the screen back to the overview screen.
No crashes, but the app is stuck on the overview screen. Clicking on any section (artist, album, genre) flashes the screen back to the overview screen.
Is this a repeatable issue? Is there a sequence of actions that will reproduce the problem?
I closed the app and restarted it (same behavior). I'll try it again with a full restart when I get home.
I want to mention that I might have found the issue with the Mac program unexpectedly quitting when playing over the network to my PC. I changed the M4A protocol to DirectShow on the PC instead of using QuickTime. That change may have solved the problem but I am not sure yet. I'll check it again this evening.
-- Tom
18.0.187 is sometimes crashing overnight, when it should run 24/7.
Same as this morning. The desktop app reverts to the Overview screen. This is a new error.
Okay, the new version fixed the overview screen problem, but me thinks that you guys have also done something major with the sound. I even asked my girlfriend if she found a difference in the sound. To me it has vastly improved with this build.