More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 18 for Mac => Topic started by: hansbeekhuyzen on June 18, 2013, 03:28:48 am

Title: window off screen
Post by: hansbeekhuyzen on June 18, 2013, 03:28:48 am
I have my Mac Mini connected to my tv for maintenance only, I normally only operate Mediacenter 4 Mac via my iPad. When I switch on the tv my program windows (iTunes, Mediacenter), have a different position than when I switched off the tv (while leaving the Mac Mini on). With iTunes I can just pull the window back into the center and work with it. With Mediacenter this does not work due to the not-so-Mac-UI. The problem I have is that Mediacenter shifts to the top of the screen so all controls are inaccessible, leaving me with a uncontrollable Mediacenter. A clean install does cure this, but only until I switch off the tv again (and I only have 9 installs left). Is there a way to 'reset' the window position, for instance by editing a preference file?
Title: Re: window off screen
Post by: hansbeekhuyzen on June 18, 2013, 03:35:07 am
PS: IMHI Mediacenter is the best, most relaxed software player for Mac (and I also own Audirvana, Amarra and Pure Sound). Plays DSD's perfectly without 'aliases' or proxies to my Chord QDB76 HDSD DAC.
Title: Re: window off screen
Post by: hansbeekhuyzen on June 20, 2013, 03:57:56 am
Found a solution: I moved user/library/Application Support/J River/Media Center 18/Settings/User Settings.ini to the desktop (just to be sure) while Media Center 18 was playing in mini view. When I then switched to standard view, a new ini was made and the window was in the middle of my screen.
Title: Re: window off screen
Post by: JohnT on June 20, 2013, 01:25:09 pm
Thanks for reporting this.