More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 18 for Mac => Topic started by: GROBEC on June 25, 2013, 06:23:06 am

Title: Sound Quality change?
Post by: GROBEC on June 25, 2013, 06:23:06 am
I posted a change in SQ with version"97 that was very obvious in my system.
I did not do this to be negative in any way, but to just give a "heads up" in case I was not the only one.
SQ is critical for most of us and I thought it would be important to log it.
I see that admin has closed the thread.
For future reference, was this an undesirable topic for you guys?
Title: Re: Sound Quality change?
Post by: Bachiano on June 25, 2013, 08:22:07 am
Well. JimH said:
"Nothing has changed that might affect sound quality"

Which means it's all in our heads.
I thought I heard a difference but I can admit I could be wrong.
Placebo effect can sometimes be very powerful.
Title: Re: Sound Quality change?
Post by: Matt on June 25, 2013, 08:27:46 am
We tested the old and new builds and they're both bit-perfect for local playback.

If you hear a difference, double-check your settings and test procedures.
Title: Re: Sound Quality change?
Post by: Onkle on June 25, 2013, 09:27:36 am
Both only theorical point of view and placebo can have strong effect on what people might hear and think or not. Sometimes something should theoretically not sound different but does, most of the time because you missed something in your hypotheses. In another hand, I must admit that I could have heard something that doesn't exist. To sum up, I think theorie and listening are complementary.
Thank you anyway for having checked both versions.
Title: Re: Sound Quality change?
Post by: GROBEC on June 25, 2013, 06:17:57 pm
Yes, thanks from me too.
It was just a heads up as I have been especially tuned to listening for other equipment firmware SQ differences lately and I heard and still hear a difference  with ver:"87 FWIW.
At the end of the day it is all about the SQ after all.

As far as the "Bits are Bits" theory, I lived through that a few years ago and the EARS won that battle.
Thank God for that! ;D
Title: Re: Sound Quality change?
Post by: Bachiano on June 25, 2013, 06:36:46 pm
I posted a change in SQ with version"97 that was very obvious in my system.
I did not do this to be negative in any way, but to just give a "heads up" in case I was not the only one.
SQ is critical for most of us and I thought it would be important to log it.
I see that admin has closed the thread.
For future reference, was this an undesirable topic for you guys?

I understand your sentiments perfectly.
Locking down the thread did feel like the topic was out of bounds or perhaps irrelevant.

We end users may be naive about the intricacies of software development
but we are also a resource to them in this forum.

I contribute for reciprocal altruistic reasons.

They get my feedback,
They improve the product.
I get a better product.
and they get a better product to sell.

So locking down the thread felt like the contributions we were attempting to make in good faith (even if irrelevant) were not appreciated.

If the thread had been left open it would have run it's course as we can see happening in this follow up thread, and then us contributing end users would have been contented.
Title: Re: Sound Quality change?
Post by: MrC on June 25, 2013, 07:00:08 pm
If the thread had been left open it would have run it's course as we can see happening in this follow up thread, and then us contributing end users would have been contented.

Probably.  But just so you know, the JRiver folks read ALL posts and threads, so the off-topic posts and inbox pollution becomes a problem.  Off-topic, for example, is when a thread that suggests some sound problem turns into an unproductive posting ping-pong of "my ears are superior to your bits".

If you feel the need, JRiver is very amenable (and forgiving) to almost any (good-natured) post in the Music, Movies, Politics, and Other Cheap Thrills catch-all forum.  See Egg Factories and the resulting mayhem.  Hospital Grade Receptacles is fun too.
Title: Re: Sound Quality change?
Post by: JimH on June 25, 2013, 07:38:52 pm
Both only theorical point of view and placebo can have strong effect on what people might hear and think or not. Sometimes something should theoretically not sound different but does, most of the time because you missed something in your hypotheses.
As the Car Talk guys say, this is BOGUS!

We've spent a lot of time building an extremely high quality sound engine and player.  We believe it is the best player available for true audiophiles.  But there are some folks who consider themselves audiophiles who are often more interested in the quasi-science nonsense propagated in "audiophile" forums.  Much of this is .... bogus.

If you would like to debate this ad nauseum, feel free.  But not here.