Devices => Sound Cards, DAC's, Receivers, Speakers, and Headphones => Topic started by: paul1970 on July 03, 2013, 05:04:07 am

Title: Subwoofer correction via USB Audio Interface
Post by: paul1970 on July 03, 2013, 05:04:07 am
This isn't strictly a MC question (although it's related), so if I'm breaking any rules I apologise.

After hearing what REW filters can do to my low-end response I've decided I just can't live without it. I have my HTPC connected to my receiver via HDMI, but the problem is I have other sources connected to the receiver too (Sky satellite box and PS3 for BR playback) and now (greedily) I need to have those corrected too.

Being greedy and a cheapskate is an unfortunate combination but I'm trying to avoid shelling out for an 8033 Cinema Anti Mode (which I think would do the job perfectly but for over £200). What I'm thinking of is connecting something like this ( to my HTPC to take my SW signal as an input, tame the humps in some software (possible via MC?) and send the smoothed signal back out through the IO box to the sub.
(Not as good as full convolution in all channels for those sources but a  lot better than no correction at all)

Given the low price I might just take a punt on this and see if I can make it work, but I'd be grateful if anyone could comment on whether this is is viable/advisable before I sink time into it. Has anyone else done something like this? Am I mental? All opinions and advice gratefully received. Ta.
Title: Re: Subwoofer correction via USB Audio Interface
Post by: natehansen66 on July 05, 2013, 08:19:21 pm
That would probably work, and MC could do it for your external sources, but it wouldn't be able to process your sub signal through the Behr card and output MC source content through HDMI simultaneously. Have you looked into miniDSP? It would work just fine for bass correction and you wouldn't have to do any goofy routing with a PC (though a PC is needed to setup the miniDSP).
Title: Re: Subwoofer correction via USB Audio Interface
Post by: paul1970 on July 06, 2013, 03:40:09 am
...but it wouldn't be able to process your sub signal through the Behr card and output MC source content through HDMI simultaneously.
That may be the rub. Unless it's possible to have another app (foobar?) processing the Behr I/O at the same time as MC is doing it's thing. I can't see any reason why it shouldn't be but I've never tried anything like this.

Yes, I have looked at miniDSP. It looks like an option, but I've got no problem with spending a bit of time trying to get goofy routing working either.

Of course, the other potential pitfall is latency. Anyone have any thoughts on whether that would be an insurmountable issue?