More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 18 for Mac => Topic started by: bobbmd on July 08, 2013, 05:08:16 am
all of a sudden JRiver will not allow the volume to increase
it appears to to be playing the center blue bar moves the title of the song is showing but the volume bar with the little speaker icon wont respond
brand new macmini 2.6 i7 16gb ram 1tb hdd>usb out to schiit(brand new)gungnir>avr
iTunes,Pure Music
any suggestions?
also-i read that JR has something called 'loopback' feature that allows playback of streaming music ie MOG similar to PM 'playthrough' mode how does this 'loopback' work and do i access it?
thanks bobbmd
Are you using 'bitstreaming' to your DAC (Tools / Options / Audio / Settings)? If so, you'll need to control volume on the DAC itself or your amp. Otherwise, try switching to "internal volume" (click the little Media Center speaker icon). Read more about the volume controls here: ( (disregard the discussion about Application volume which doesn't apply on Mac).
john t: thank you BUT despite changing from 'core audio' to 'null' and the blue volume bar becoming active and going to 'internal' for volume i still have NO SOUND! i cant for the life of me figure out WHAT I DID WRONG what 'click' did I do that turned off the music
songs are playing but all i get is dead air please help any other suggestions-should i disinstall and start all over again?? thanks bobbmd
Make sure something isn't muted.
jimh and johnh
still no sound
nothing is muted the music is playing the volume bar is functional
if i stay on 'core audio' i get this strange message that my system is not able to play 24/196 in core audio with 2channel or 6channel 2.1 or 5.1 if i go to 'null' songs play but no sound ie if i go music analyzer the waveforms act like music is playing but no sound
i went to audio midi set up tried different rearrangements and nothing
if i play MOG it works and if i play itunes with or without puremusic music plays beautifully
can/should i disinstall jrmc and start all over and if so how do i do it?
i have no idea what i did
i like your format
i ripped several discs by XLD to jrmc and two avd-a's via dvdaudio extractor to jrmc and they played beautifully now no sound
could someone help
i have no sound
the music plays but no sound
i only have 2 days left on the demo
read my last post/reply and my earlier posts
i would just like to disinstall and restart as new even if i have to purchase jrmc18 for mac
if i stay on 'core audio' i get this strange message that my system is not able to play 24/196 in core audio with 2channel or 6channel
You need to use DSP Studio > Output Format to pick a format your audio hardware supports.
Null output is designed for systems with no sound output. It's silent by design.
to johnt and jimh-i successfully removed jriver 18 for mac(demo) from my new mac mini NOW i am going to purchase YOUR product and IT BETTER WORK
thanks for all your help with my problems with the demo ie NO SOUND(NOT)
i really like your format and layout and the way the music seamlessly goes from one song to the next and despite the criticism on sq/sound stage etc on other forums i thought it was pretty decent but of course jason stoddards schiit gungnir improved what ever short comings you are having with the 'beta' version for mac
i just hope it works
i hope you try to offer something like PureMusic's 'playthroughmode'
or do something like your 'loopback feature' on windows so i can pass MOG and SiriusXM through you to my schiit audio gungnir
again thanks for all your help with my probs with the demo version appreciate it