More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 19 for Windows => Topic started by: magnust on September 30, 2013, 11:58:05 am
I've set up a bunch of views in MC that I use with Bubble-Upnp as a controller. But sometimes I want to control playback from a pc using a webbrowser using webgizmo. But how do I copy all my views from my "Generic DLNA" to Gizmo/Webgizmo??
Oh, BTW, when I hit "Reset!" to reset views, are the "default views" that I then get hard coded in the binaries or are the default views picked up from somewhere in the windows registry or something?
But how do I copy all my views from my "Generic DLNA" to Gizmo/Webgizmo??
Is this is what you are looking for ? ...
Options=>Media Network (with "Use Media Network to share ..." enabled)=>Advanced=>Customize View Gizmo/Webgizmo
Then click Add and choose Library Item from Standard View and choose one or more of your views.
As for your second question I don't know. Consider the worst and backup your library before you try to reset anything ;)
Thanks for your reply! But I I haven't been able to do it like that since I want to copy my views from "Generic DLNA" to Gizmo. Not copy the regular player views that are set up differently to my DLNA-views.
I might be daft or blind (or both ;D) but I can't seem to find a way to copy from "Generic DLNA" to Gizmo
It is a manual process.
It is a manual process.
Manual as in "create the views from scratch again but in WebGizmo" or manual is in "copy the views one by one"? Cause I can't see to do alternative #2, only #1 of the two :P
Manual, as in recreate the views you want in each area. These are independent view areas, each with their own customization:
- Standard View
- Theater View
- Gizmo/WebGizmo
Other than the pulling of an item from Standard View, there is no copy facility for a view like you're asking.