More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 19 for Windows => Topic started by: theloniouscoltrane on November 21, 2013, 07:13:36 pm

Title: Trying JR19 after years with Media Monkey. Question about filenames
Post by: theloniouscoltrane on November 21, 2013, 07:13:36 pm
SO I have a file named F:\OAOAOA Wave\1967\003 - Dusty Springfield - The Look of Love - OAOAOA 1967.wav and because I've now found another song, say Whatshername by PP&M that I want to put in track #3. Based on how I understand the way JR19 works, it will probably be named F:\OAOAOA Wave\1967\PP&M - Whatshername.wav

What I'd like to be able to do is to specify that I want my naming convention to be track# - Artist - Track - Album and have it automatically fill in the track number based on the one I stipulate through "fill track numbers from list order", leave the artist-track-album data, and change all subsequent tracks in the OAOAOA Wave\1967\.

SO it would look like this

F:\OAOAOA Wave\1967\003 - Peter, Paul and Mary - Whatshername - OAOAOA 1967.wav
F:\OAOAOA Wave\1967\004 - Dusty Springfield - The Look of Love - OAOAOA 1967.wav

In Media Monkey, you just highlight all the tracks, right click, hit "Auto Organize Files" and it does it instantaneously.

GIven JR19's complexity, I know it must do the same thing. I just can't figure it out.
Title: Re: Trying JR19 after years with Media Monkey. Question about filenames
Post by: Matt on November 21, 2013, 07:36:08 pm

To fill the library from filenames, use Library Tools > Fill Properties From Filename

To rename / move files based on library values, use Library Tools > Rename, Move, & Copy Files.

Both are pretty flexible and remember your last settings.

Does that help?
Title: Re: Trying JR19 after years with Media Monkey. Question about filenames
Post by: 6233638 on November 21, 2013, 07:37:44 pm
You can do this by right clicking the files and selecting Library Tools > Rename, Move, and Copy Files…

You probably want something like Directories:
Base Path: F:\
Rule: [Album] [File Type]\[Year]\
Filename Rule: [Track #] - [Album Artist (auto)] - [Name] - [Album] [Year]

You can save this as a preset to apply to other files in the future, and the rules can be as simple or as complex as you want (
Title: Re: Trying JR19 after years with Media Monkey. Question about filenames
Post by: theloniouscoltrane on November 22, 2013, 11:27:49 am
Thank you so much. Problem solved.