Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: TXgary on January 27, 2014, 01:50:35 pm

Title: JRemote Customize views
Post by: TXgary on January 27, 2014, 01:50:35 pm
So I have read alot about this topic, but still not seeing what I need to do.
Simple request:
want to see a breakdown by song who did it, where did it chart, and the year it charted. 
I have a field called Comment that contains the chart number
A field for year
I would like to be able on my iphone to go to a customized view called something (song/chart/artist/year)
So I would click on that view, and see all the songs that charted (that is easy, just set up the view with that as a rule.
select the song, and see a  screen with artist, chart and year in sequence by artist or my chart (1-40).
Then be able to play the song.
Sounds simple, but I cannot do it.
Please help.
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: MrC on January 27, 2014, 02:00:23 pm
You'll find it easier to create a Cateogies view in Standard View first to test.  When you get your settings worked out there, then create the view in Tools > Options > Media Network > Advanced > Customize view for Gizmo & WebGizmo.

To have the view drill-down as song/chart/artist/year, add the categories:


Change "Year" to your own year field of course, if it is not the stock Date (year) value.
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: TXgary on January 28, 2014, 10:00:56 am
Did what you suggested, did not get wanted results.
I get a list of songs, they drill down to a song, and the next screen (on iphone) is the album cover and the chart number in sequence.
So I cannot see the artist or the year at this point.
when I drill down on one of the chart numbers, I get the songs and it shows the artist, but no year.
If I drill down again the song plays.
I wanted to see the chart number, artist, and year on one screen then select the one to play.
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: MrC on January 28, 2014, 12:06:33 pm
You're running into a limitation of what a view can present.  You can either expand the tag pane when you get down to a level to see all the metadata, or you can try this.  Change the view definition to:


The first one you leave as is, but the last three, change to type Expression and paste the corresponding expressions above.  You should be able to track these values at the top of the screen.
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: TXgary on January 28, 2014, 01:19:41 pm
Sorry, how do you change the view definition?
I don't see a way to copy this in.
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: MrC on January 28, 2014, 02:54:14 pm
Same as Reply #1 above regarding customizing WebGizmo.  Just re-edit those fields you added, changing the Type to Expression for items 2 - 4.  Select them, and press the Edit button, then select Expression on the left and paste in the corresponding expression from my previous post.
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: TXgary on January 28, 2014, 03:34:16 pm
Does not work for me. sorry
I can get the following screens
All songs
"i then scroll up to search for the song I want - say crazy"
that gives me this screen
artist chart# year
That is good so far.
next screen
all albums for that artist chosen above.

Now if I choose 'Margaritaville" as the song and it only has one artist that charted it I get
it bypasses the artist chart# year and goes to
all the albums by jimmy buffett - so it does not give my a chart# or date
Any thoughts
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: MrC on January 28, 2014, 03:49:43 pm
I suppose this is being controlled by JRemote - when a category is empty or has only a single item, that category is not presented, and instead automatic drlll down occurs.

You're asking to see a lot of information in a Category, which isn't a very good model for this.  Without customizable Thumbnail or Caption Text, the best you'll get is the Tag Pane, I suppose.
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: TXgary on January 28, 2014, 04:04:02 pm
I am getting exactly what I wanted when there are multiple artist that charted a song, but when only one, it does not show the chart# nor the date.
It is all good when more than on artist.
Is there something I can add to it to force the chart# and date when only a single artist?
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: TXgary on January 28, 2014, 04:45:39 pm
I added to the end the [artist] tag and it gives me everything even for the single artist hits, thanks for your help
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: MrC on January 28, 2014, 05:14:20 pm
A good solution.  Thanks for the update.
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: csimon on February 01, 2014, 08:32:56 am
I suppose this is being controlled by JRemote - when a category is empty or has only a single item, that category is not presented, and instead automatic drlll down occurs.

I think this is behaviour that is built into the MC web sevice protocol, JRemote can't control it.  Automatic drill-down occurs in Theater View and Gizmo/MCWS but not in Standard View and DLNA. See;topicseen#msg590914 (;topicseen#msg590914)
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: MrC on February 01, 2014, 01:30:20 pm
I think this is behaviour that is built into the MC web sevice protocol, JRemote can't control it.  Automatic drill-down occurs in Theater View and Gizmo/MCWS but not in Standard View and DLNA. See;topicseen#msg590914 (;topicseen#msg590914)

This is controlled by thge Skip parameter in the Browse/Children mode of MCWS:


         Returns child browse items for a location, enabling traversal of the browse hierarchy.
            ID: The parent ID (empty to start at root). (default: )
            Skip: Set to 1 to skip browse levels that contain only one choice. (default: )

When Skip is set to 1, the auto-drill down occurs.  When the Skip paremeter is omitted, singlets are presented.  So this is being controlled by JRemote.
Title: Re: JRemote Customize views
Post by: csimon on February 01, 2014, 01:41:53 pm
That's interesting! Thank you for explaining that. It would be nice to be able to have this user- specified on the category views as some people want it, others don't, and it also depends on which item it is.