Devices => Sound Cards, DAC's, Receivers, Speakers, and Headphones => Topic started by: Hotzenplotz on March 28, 2014, 02:47:15 pm

Title: Anyone tried tweaking the little Schiit Loki?
Post by: Hotzenplotz on March 28, 2014, 02:47:15 pm
I plan to tweak my little Schiit Loki DAC. Unfortunately I cannot find any schematic
on the web. Guess there is little chance to find any in the near future.

I like the sound in general. Treble and mids are fine for the money, bass is tight
and "fast", but lacks little in deepbass and quantity, at least compared to my analog

The Loki uses the AKM AK4396 DAC chip and it's powered via USB. Guess this is the
most important issue. So I consider to add a linear PSU later. First it seems easiest
to swap the 470 µF 10 V lytics as I have plenty of Silmics and some Oscons in the
spare box.

Any idea? What about the inductors L6 and L7? What about the 2.2 µF Wimas?  ?








Title: Re: Anyone tried tweaking the little Schiit Loki?
Post by: Hotzenplotz on April 08, 2014, 07:06:02 pm











Title: Re: Anyone tried tweaking the little Schiit Loki?
Post by: JimH on April 08, 2014, 07:54:22 pm
It would be better to post links, not so many images.