Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: rpalmer68 on May 18, 2014, 07:36:56 pm
Hi Folks,
I need to have the zone displayed on the main screen in Theaterview.
All I want to do is have "Current Zone = <zone name>" in the bottom left corner of the screen, like the time is displayed in the bottom right corner.
I'm using the Obsidian skin and it uses base 2.xml.
I have found the text section is Base 2.xml and have added my extra line (see below) but am not sure how to get it to sit in the bottom left corner. (Is it the Rect= bit??)
<Item Text="Current Zone = [Zone]" Location="*" TextColor="FFFFFF" Rect="RootText\50,0,100,100" Capitalization="0" Alignment="2" Alpha="50" Size="[Medium Text Height]" />
<Item Text="[Time]" Location="*" TextColor="FFFFFF" Rect="RootText\50,0,100,100" Capitalization="0" Alignment="1" Alpha="50" Size="[Medium Text Height]" />
<Item Text="[Time]" Location="[Television Guide]" TextColor="FFFFFF" Rect="Titlebar\80,0,98,100" Capitalization="0" Alignment="1" Alpha="50" Size="[Medium Text Height]" />
I'm not a skinner but no doubt it's really simple for those that know, so can somebody please explain how I do it??
Many thanks
I'm not expert either, but main.xml?
I'm not expert either, but main.xml?
Thanks Jim, but that's not it.
I just need help fixing the line I have added to base 2.xml (in bold in my first post)
After a bit of trial and error, I landed on the attached....
I made the rect entry like so: Rect="RootText\-85,0,100,100"
Tested on a screen @ 1920 x 1200
If you keep it, you should consider saving the the skin in a different folder, and give it a new name, and also move the base 2.xml file beside it, referencing the new location in the main.xml file, otherwise, every time you update, the installer will replace your edits with the defaults.
base 2.xml is the template all skins inherit, its probably a better idea to edit main.xml in the actual template (add a new <TEXT> section near the end, for example).
50,0,100,100 is the position, and Alignment specifies how the text is aligned in the element.
The position is a rectangle: left,top,right,bottom - in this case it means start at 50% from left and 0% from top, to 100% of right and bottom (ie. from the middle to the right end)
If you simply change this to say 0,0,50,100 and set Alignment to "2" (like you already did), it'll be in the bottom left corner instead (from 0,0 left/top to 50/100 right/bottom, from the left edge to the middle)
This position works out since RootText is a strip at the bottom of the screen and not the entire screen, and you position relative to that.
That gives us this snippet, which you can either add to the base 2.xml, or copy the TEXT section from the base to the main.xml and then add it there.
<Item Text="Current Zone = [Zone]" Location="*" TextColor="FFFFFF" Rect="RootText\0,0,50,100" Capitalization="0" Alignment="0" Alpha="50" Size="[Medium Text Height]" />
Note that I recommend copying the template, renaming it and copying the TEXT section to the main.xml, since otherwise an update to MC will overwrite your changes.
Thank you marko and Hendrik for your responses and to Hendrik for the explanation.
Now the rect= entries makes some sense!
I had already make a copy of the skin, but didn't realise I could just add the TEXT section to main.xml.
Just need to copy the entire text block, or the clock goes missing.
As soon as you have a TEXT section in the main.xml, it'll override the one in the base template completely.
Just need to copy the entire text block, or the clock goes missing.
As soon as you have a TEXT section in the main.xml, it'll override the one in the base template completely.
Just discovered that :)