More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 19 for Windows => Topic started by: Foxman50 on May 25, 2014, 08:14:59 am
I am trialling jriver to see if i can get it to do what i want. So far all is going well. However i have added a new library view called Artists & Albums to the Audio list, so that i can view all albums listed by artist.
This works perfectly on my laptop, however im trying to get the same view on jremote on the ipad. Can someone tell me how or if it is possible
You need to set the views for Gizmo and JRemote in a different place. Look under Options/Media Network/Advanced/Customize Views.... You can add views manually or you can Add a view from your Standard View which is where I suspect you have created the new view.
When you make new views for Media Network (including JRemote) you have to restart MC, including Library Server in the tray if it is running, for the changes to take effect.
But, yes, it is fully customizable.
Theater View is configured via a similar mechanism, in Tools > Options > Theater View.
Thanks guys spot on. Really like the features on JRemote. At the moment im trialling MC19 on a windows laptop but intend to get a mac mini if i like music through it. Not to bothered what it looks like on windows, but are the features the same on mac version with regard to JRemote. Can i create the same custom views, as its important to me to get this artist/album view
Not to bothered what it looks like on windows, but are the features the same on mac version with regard to JRemote. Can i create the same custom views, as its important to me to get this artist/album view
Yes. The Media Network system is fully implemented on the Mac version of MC, and essentially identical to the Windows version.
However, please note that:
* The Mac version is Audio Only, and does not have Theater View. So, you can't use any of the Video or Image playback and management support (even from JRemote) and Theater View isn't there at all.
* MC is licensed separately for different OS Platforms. Meaning, licenses for the Windows and Mac versions are purchased separately. If you have more than one machine of the same type, you can re-use the same license on those, however.
It would be best to test it on the platform you intend to use long-term before you buy it. You could, conceivably, rent a Macbook or something for a week to try it out if you can't borrow one.
Thanks glynor
As long as the image artwork appears on jremote in the artist/album view and also displays when playing then thats all i need. Theatre mode looks funky but not needed and wont use video support.
Good idea see if i can loan a mac book.
Thanks again all
As long as the image artwork appears on jremote in the artist/album view and also displays when playing then thats all i need.
Yeah, Cover Art and whatnot all works fine. You just can't browse and use imported Images (like personal photos or whatever), since the Mac version of MC can't use those and won't import them.