More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 19 for Mac => Topic started by: druism on June 15, 2014, 08:36:51 am

Title: Problem when switching file types in Integer Mode
Post by: druism on June 15, 2014, 08:36:51 am
In Integer Mode, listening to a playlist of mixed file types, when an m4a file stops and the next file is aiff the music stops coming out of the music system speakers and starts playing through the Mac Mini internal speaker. If the Audio MIDI Setup window is open, I can see that the sound output is still against the DAC but so is the System Sounds icon when previously it had been correctly against the internal speaker.

If I now quit JR-MC, the System Sounds icon snaps back to where it should be, adjacent to the internal speaker and the sound output remains, correctly, by the DAC. If I then re-start MC all is fine. Until the next m4a to aiff transition (or vice versa) when the same thing happens. Something at the transition is making the system sounds and sound output become confused and not as visually represented in the AMIDIs window.

If I turn off Integer Mode this problem does not occur. Neither does it occur when listening to the same playlist in Pure Music. I have saved the log file to send to support, with this information but I cannot find an email address where I should send feedback like this, with an attachment.

Mac Mini 2011 + OSX 10.9/ JR-MC for Mac 19/ Gold Note DAC-7/ Croft 7 pre power/ SD1s