Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KatatonicAudiophile on June 30, 2014, 06:47:37 pm
I have a request for a plugin or would like to be directed to it if it already exists and I just can't find it. So for a little bit of back story I have been using iTunes for the past 6 or 7 years (iTunes 10 was the best build in my opinion). I was waiting to switch to JRiver until I had finished building my HTPC because I didn't want to pay $50 for my laptop and then again for my nice powerful desktop HTPC. There was a feature on iTunes that I really relied on and enjoyed because it made my life infinitely easier. iTunes had a check box for "keep my music folder organized" and so I didn't have to worry about the folder structure on the back end because I'm always adding and subtracting from that folder and iTunes did a superb job at setting up a folder structure that was easy to navigate. The stuff I was always adding to the media folder was in a random folder structure and named weirdly because it was stuff from my friends who use different folder structures and naming on their files. It was awesome to toss the stuff into iTunes and import it without having to fix all of that stuff before I import the files because iTunes would fix it automatically. I am currently running MC18, I have not upgraded yet because I was hoping that this was an added feature to 19 but in reading the release notes I do not think it is. If someone could either show me how to set it up on either MC18 or 19 (if I have to upgrade to get the feature then I have no problem doing so.). Or if there is a plugin that would do this or if someone would make the plugin or point me in the direction of the tools used to make plugins that would work as well, I know a bit of programming.
There isn't an option to automatically manage files on the disk, because Media Center doesn't care where your files are located. Everything is sorted via the database.
You can create presets for the "Rename, Move, & Copy Files" tool, which would automatically move files into a structure that you want, but this has to be run manually. There's no way to run it on a schedule.
This can include Expressions (
I've attached an example of what you could use.
As a fellow ex-iTunes user, I know where you're coming from but fortunately, like 6233638 said, the Rename, Move, & Copy Files works perfectly for this. You can setup the expressions to perfectly mirror iTunes setup; should be something like...
Directories rule example:
[Album Artist]\[Album]
Filename rule example:
[Track #] [Name]
This *should* match iTunes' keep my music folder organized feature. Just run the tool on your library! :)
I'm glad for the info that I just stumbled across in the MC Windows forum because this situation was perplexing me for a good while in MC 19 Mac. I do want to keep the iTunes Organizer feature intact, but wasn't able to figure out the daunting task of individually changing each filename in MC every time I made a change in either iTunes or in MC. Either one of them causes location issues. My ultimate goal is to not rely on iTunes at all (barring using the store and some minor tasks), but I have it tied to synching devices and I don't see that changing a lot.
I have one question: if I change the directory and filename in MC will iTunes find it or should I change the info in iTunes and then run the Expression script? I will be running a few tests in that direction and I may answer my own question in the process. But I'd like the input in any case.
-- Tom
... I was waiting to switch to JRiver until I had finished building my HTPC because I didn't want to pay $50 for my laptop and then again for my nice powerful desktop ...
Free tip for you - 1 licence fits all (within reason) for a given OS. If you change OS, then you're looking at a new licence / more $.