More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 19 for Windows => Topic started by: connersw on July 04, 2014, 11:16:51 am
I have added Description sub-category to all my Audio Views to differentiate multiple versions of the same Album. I fill in Description for Vinyl rips, SACDs, etc, but leave it blank for Redbook CDs.
In Theater View, I use an Expression:
Expression to group by
Expression to display
<b>[Album]<//b>ifelse(!isempty([Description]), : <i>[Description]<//i>)
[Album Artist (auto)]
This allows the Redbook CD's to be sorted last (Unassigned), but still displayed the Album and Album Artist info. I just noticed it is no longer displaying Album and Album Artist info but rather just displaying Unassigned for these Albums. I could have sworn that it worked before.
I think items are always displayed in the "Unassigned" group in Theater View when there is no value assigned for that field.
I do something similar with my albums though:
- Album Artist (auto)
- [Year] Album
- Channels
- Description
1. Just uses [Album Artist (auto)]
Group by:
formatdate([Date,0],yyyyMMdd) [Album]
<font alpha="50">delimit([Year],/],/[)<//font>
Group by:
<font alpha="50">[Album]<//font>
Group By:
if(!isempty([Date (release),0],1),FormatDate([Date (Release),0],yyyyMMdd),[Year]) Delimit([Description])
<font alpha="50">Delimit(if(!isempty([Date (release),0],1),FormatDate([Date (Release),0],yyyy),[Year]),/],/[)<//font>
Note: I use a custom field, [Date (release)] to tag items with the year that this version was released.
E.g. an album originally released in 1980 will have that in the [Year] field, and a 2010 remaster would have that in [Date (release)]
It's not perfect, but this covers most of my library.
Bumping this up to see if there is any chance in changing this behavior. I could have sworn that it did not used to do this, and the latest change below does not seem to have an effect.
19.0.155 (7/21/2014)
5. Fixed: An empty date (or empty other field) could sort in an indeterminate manner.