Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: meloman on September 26, 2014, 01:01:27 pm
It would be an awesome plugin/feature if the stock Media Center seekbar could be replaced with a waveform seekbar like in Foobar2000 (Windows) and DeaDBeeF (Linux). The ability to seek to just the right moment in the song gives a great listening experience.
DeaDBeeF example:
That does look quite nice. I wouldn't mind seeing an option for this in Media Center.
Indeed, this would be a handy feature!
count me in on this one.
Would love to have this as well!
i would like that too... not sure thought how that would look with 5.1 and more channels.
I proposed this very thing back in 2011.
I would still love to have a feature like this!
Here's for another "aye".
Completely agree, very useful
Still a great idea and a version for Theater View too.
nah, i prefere the ability to move the player panel(bar) down plus the action panel and the library panel to be rearanged to up or down that will be more awsome
I support this idea.