Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: luckyaua on December 12, 2014, 05:35:25 pm
Hello, i use Noire skin because it is very clear and have font size option, i want to enable dsp button on full screen windows (is present in standard windows), there is an option on Main.xml to enable it?
if you mean "full screen" in standard view where you can't see the player or dsp button YES; if you mean theater view, no.
On the top or bottom menu bar right click and cutomize the menu ... click to add the dsp studio button.
no theater i mean fullscreen of Display view ctrl+3 (when i'm viewing a film or a album cover art) in the top there are progress bar, play stop pause button and on the right there aren't dsp button and shuffle button that instead are present on standard view...only on noire skin...whit others skin thre are!!!
nothing 4me? any help!?!?
but where in the skin file or in other path there is the option to tell jriver to show or not show DSP button in Display view ctrl+3?
I doubt this is going to happen. There are other ways
Yes already to do this like hiding the tree or by removing the files in playing now. Also by just making a short cut in the menu bar or at the bottom of the screen and toggle full screen from standard view. It's more than a skin change
excuse me but i see that standard skin like "blue steel" or "green eyes" have dsp and shuffle button both on standard view and dispaly view (ctrl+3) instead for example skin like "noire" or "metro X" that have these buttons only in standard view so i think is a choice made on the skin configuration or not?
excuse me but i see that standard skin like "blue steel" or "green eyes" have dsp and shuffle button both on standard view and dispaly view (ctrl+3) instead for example skin like "noire" or "metro X" that have these buttons only in standard view so i think is a choice made on the skin configuration or not?
Sorry looks like you are right ! It is in the skin itself. Mea culpa :-* What I meant was that there is no UI option to change this, you have to modify, a skin or make a new one ... but at least you can do what you want to.
Go to the main.xml file of a skin that has it incorporated ... the dsp button is under <PLAYERBAR>
You need to make your own button if you are starting from scratch, or copy/modify one. The easiest would be to choose one that has it in it already that is somewhat what you are looking for and modify a copy of that.
Sorry looks like you are right ! It is in the skin itself. Mea culpa :-* What I meant was that there is no UI option to change this, you have to modify, a skin or make a new one ... but at least you can do what you want to.
Go to the main.xml file of a skin that has it incorporated ... the dsp button is under <PLAYERBAR>
You need to make your own button if you are starting from scratch, or copy/modify one. The easiest would be to choose one that has it in it already that is somewhat what you are looking for and modify a copy of that.
the difference isn't on main.xml because both skin have dsp button on <PLAYERBAR> the choice to make visible the dspbutton on dispaly view ctrl+3 is in another place but i don't find the right place!!!!
finally i've found the problem....the skin that haven't DSP or Shuffle buttons on Full Screen Display View (Ctrl+3) have inside the file Main.xml on the section tagged <MAINFRAME> an entry named "FullscreenPlayer" that hide the buttons so i've removed this entry and now there are the same buttons of standard view!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)