More => Music, Movies, Politics, and Other Cheap Thrills => Topic started by: glynor on December 16, 2014, 10:13:49 am

Title: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: glynor on December 16, 2014, 10:13:49 am
Wow, Jim... I had no idea you'd had a run-in with epic douchenozzle Paul Hansmeier (!  Nice to see you mentioned on Ars (, though...

Minneapolis artist Jim Hillegass told the newspaper he settled a Hansmeier lawsuit for $8,000, even though he didn't believe he was in violation, either.

"It's hopeless," Hillegass said. "The law is written in such a way that it allows attorneys to do this."

I hate that you had to give that jerk money, helping to fund him extorting money out of other people in the process.  Keep your eyes open, though.  The last big trolling operation that guy did famously blew up in his face, of course, and now it looks like this one is starting down that road too.  You could end up getting some of that big check back.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: mojave on December 16, 2014, 10:40:47 am
Hopefully Jim was able to give him a couple of lifetime licenses to JRiver that were worth $8,000.

Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: JimH on December 16, 2014, 04:42:27 pm
Luckily, during the process, I discovered that Paul hadn't registered a domain, so I did it for him.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: glynor on December 16, 2014, 04:48:45 pm
Hopefully Jim was able to give him a couple of lifetime licenses to JRiver that were worth $8,000.

I think you may have read that backwards.

TLDR Backstory:

Paul Hansmeier is (or was) one of the primary forces behind Prenda Law, which was one of the most aggressive (and disgusting) of the porn-copyright trolling lawsuit "organizations" out there over the past couple years.  Their basic modus operandi was to send letters to people who may (or may not have, they didn't try to find out basically at all) have downloaded porn illicitly, threatening to sue them and tell their neighbors all the horrible porn things they were downloading, and said if you pay us $3k now, we'll go away quietly.

Extortion, basically.  Their game backfired quite famously (  Prenda Law is defunct, and they personally owe all kinds of penalties for all sorts of bad behavior (  Of course, the $4.4M+ they collected with their extortion racket is all vanished.  So it goes.

Now that the free porn-threatening ride is over, it seems Paul has moved on to suing small businesses (well, not actually suing, as that would cost money, just threatening to sue) who may or may not have ADA violations, on behalf of disabled "complainants" who, in at least one case, had no idea this was going on.  New extortion racket, different name and target.


This douchenozzle didn't pay Jim anything. We don't know what happened, of course, and I'm sure Jim can't comment (and can delete this thread if you want -- I'm just an unrelated commenter), but one can assume from the reporting that Jim paid this douchenozzle $8k for the privilege of being left alone.  That's horrible, but sadly not surprising.  That's exactly the problem with these "companies" (which are, in my opinion, a hop-skip-and-a-jump from organized crime style racketeering)... What was his choice?  Spend 10X as much defending himself against a lawsuit he'd almost certainly win in the end?

Not many people can do that.  When they did with this character in the past, it ended up blowing up the whole operation.  That's great, but the people in those cases took huge risks (and had, largely, pro bono defenses).  Not everyone can afford to do that.

Also, I'll add, since they've threatened litigious action for stuff like this before:  I don't work for JRiver and do not represent them.  Any statements I've made here are my own opinion based on following the cases very closely, but I'm not a lawyer, and I'm mostly talking out of my lower extremities.  Still, in my opinion, this guy is a douchenozzle and assclown and deserves everything he got from the courts recently.  I hope these latest exploits lead to more trouble for him in the end.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: KingSparta on December 17, 2014, 06:13:57 pm
Luckily, during the process, I discovered that Paul hadn't registered a domain, so I did it for him.


very good.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Hendrik on December 18, 2014, 06:03:20 pm
This douchenozzle didn't pay Jim anything. We don't know what happened, of course, and I'm sure Jim can't comment (and can delete this thread if you want -- I'm just an unrelated commenter), but one can assume from the reporting that Jim paid this douchenozzle $8k for the privilege of being left alone.

I think thats how we all understood it, and mojave was just hoping he could pay him in licenses. ;)
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: glynor on December 18, 2014, 06:07:39 pm
I think thats how we all understood it, and mojave was just hoping he could pay him in licenses. ;)

Oooohhhh.  That makes more sense.

I read the comment over and over and over, and couldn't figure it out.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: JimH on December 18, 2014, 06:40:05 pm
I did pay him $8,000, or rather his "client", Eric Wong.  I also paid about $4,000 in legal fees, and $6,000 to build a ramp.  Pure fun.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: John Gateley on November 16, 2015, 04:55:33 pm
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: glynor on December 04, 2015, 01:07:00 pm
Aww. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy (

A federal judge in Minnesota has ordered one of the men behind the notorious Prenda Law group to liquidate his assets. Paul Hansmeier must now sell his condominium, among other assets, in order to pay back $2.5 million of debts more quickly rather than having the case drag out for years.

The wheels of justice grind slowly. But they do grind, and they're unstoppable once started.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Tim on April 01, 2016, 04:21:48 am
The legal system is in a mess indeed. How can these creatures get away with this - very frustrating and painful experience to go through I'm sure. Puts some perspective on the US system. Good luck.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Bizarroterl on September 14, 2016, 02:42:41 pm
There is justice in the world: (
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: JimH on September 14, 2016, 06:23:37 pm
Amazing.  I didn't think it would ever happen.

I think I'll send him a sympathy card.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Bizarroterl on December 19, 2016, 03:20:40 pm
The wheels of justice are turning. (
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: imugli on December 20, 2016, 04:46:11 pm
Paul Hansmeier is (or was) one of the primary forces behind Prenda Law, which was one of the most aggressive (and disgusting) of the porn-copyright trolling lawsuit "organizations" out there over the past couple years.  Their basic modus operandi was to send letters to people who may (or may not have, they didn't try to find out basically at all) have downloaded porn illicitly, threatening to sue them and tell their neighbors all the horrible porn things they were downloading, and said if you pay us $3k now, we'll go away quietly.

Not to make light of Jim's situation (which sucks)... tell my neighbours I download porn. I'll wear it as a badge of honour  ;D
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Bizarroterl on January 03, 2017, 03:16:59 pm
And the noose gets tighter... (
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Bizarroterl on March 07, 2017, 02:47:18 pm
Steele pleads guilty and is now ratting out on Hansmeier: (
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: JimH on March 08, 2017, 06:39:41 pm
Alas, poor Hansmeier, I knew him well.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: jmone on March 09, 2017, 05:30:35 pm
They even made the news here in Australia ( this week
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Bizarroterl on May 22, 2017, 05:07:54 pm
Steele has been disbarred and still the wheels of justice carry on: (
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Bizarroterl on June 13, 2017, 02:46:53 pm
Hansmeier struggles to avoid prosecution.  It doesn't sound like the fed will fold easily (or at all). (
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Bizarroterl on August 22, 2018, 02:39:28 pm
Hansmeier Guilty: (
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Awesome Donkey on August 22, 2018, 04:09:39 pm
I love it when karma catches up to people like Paul.
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Bizarroterl on April 24, 2019, 02:30:15 pm
We finally get close to sentencing.  Prosecution is pushing for 150 months: (
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Bizarroterl on June 17, 2019, 02:07:51 pm
You know (or should) you've done wrong when the prosecution wants 150 months and the Judge does 168! (
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: Bizarroterl on July 11, 2019, 01:46:58 pm
Final chapter in the Prenda saga (
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: remixedcat on August 26, 2019, 02:53:20 am
He should have to pay anyone back that as forced to give him money. And shove him in a wheelchair ramp that has "pirated porn" playing non stop
Title: Re: Jim Has a Run-In With Prenda Law Jerk, and Ends Up on Ars
Post by: JimH on August 26, 2019, 06:43:51 am
He went bankrupt, too.  He tried to hide assets in his wife's name.