More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 20 for Windows => Topic started by: CountryBumkin on January 29, 2015, 05:58:52 pm

Title: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: CountryBumkin on January 29, 2015, 05:58:52 pm
I have had this installation problem on my Server for several versions now - I'm just reporting in case this issue can help the developers improve product (the installation process). since I know how to work around this issue now, it's not a big deal to me.

What happens is I unzip the download (of the new MC version) and it starts to install.
A message pops up saying "another instance of JRiver is already running, would I like to stop it". I say "Yes" and the pop up message disappears and that's the end of the install. Nothing else happens.
I later discovered that I can go to Task Manger and select MC20.exe and "end task", and as soon as MC20.exe ends, the next step of the Install process will start and it will complete normally.

This has been going on for the last four version upgrades. Also it doesn't help for me to click on the taskbar icon and close the Media Server first. It still will not complete the install.

My two Client machines upgrade without issue. My Server is Win 7 x32.
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: Funkmeister on January 31, 2015, 12:41:01 pm
Mine won't let me kill the process...  Every time MC updates, I have to reboot.  It's getting very irritating.

I also get the JRTools.dll error.
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: CountryBumkin on January 31, 2015, 01:00:09 pm
Are you able to open Task Manger and see the processes?
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: Funkmeister on January 31, 2015, 02:52:38 pm
Yes, I can see the process but cannot kill it.
Title: Re:
Post by: Al ex on January 31, 2015, 05:08:14 pm
Same here. Plus running mc at 20% cpu. Will report later on on this...
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: Hendrik on January 31, 2015, 05:17:59 pm
If you were running anything between 20.0.48 and 20.0.62 (inclusive) when these problems happened, it may have been due to a bug which was already fixed. Please update to 20.0.63 and report if it happens again/still in the future.
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: CountryBumkin on February 01, 2015, 07:48:51 am
I'm on 0.64 (beta) now. Problem was happening on at least the last four version upgrades. I have completely uninstalled MC, scanned the drive for errors, and reinstalled MC at version 62. It must still be something flaky on my computer (Win 7 x32, used as Server) since my two Client computers (both Win 8.1 x32) don't have this problem and I upgrade them at the same time as the Server.

I don't know if this is relevant, but a lot of times I see two MC "media server running" icons in the taskbar, then when I move the mouse pointer over them one will disappear.

Lastly, maybe also related (I posted in a different thread) that a lot of times when I open Tools>Options window make changes (or just look at the settings without changing) when I try to close the Options window (clicking OK button) the window becomes non-responsive. I can click on the X on the window to close it, which brings up the Windows generic "Close program or wait for it to respond" message. I then close MC and restart. it doesn't do this all the time.
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: Dawgincontrol on February 01, 2015, 09:24:03 am
The JRiver WDM Driver can be turned off in General -> Features.

Doing this fixed this problem for me on updates.
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: CountryBumkin on February 01, 2015, 10:01:27 am
The JRiver WDM Driver can be turned off in General -> Features.

Doing this fixed this problem for me on updates.

I have it turned off also. But before posting I went to Server to double check. It is turned off, and then I tried to exit the Options page/window could not close it. MC became non-responsive and I have to use the Windows "close program" popup to exit MC.  I looked at "Media Center 20.exe" in Task Manger while it was non responsive and it was using 25% of CPU.
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: CountryBumkin on February 06, 2015, 05:31:48 pm
Not to complain - as this is a minor issue. But problem persists.
I can close/exit Media Center and close Media Server from the taskbar, but MediaCenter20.exe will not stop. I have to go to task manager and "end process".

Note that it is consuming 25% of CPU. I only noticed this because it is stopping the version upgrade from auto-installing, but it may also be consuming resources or doing other bad things...

This screen shot is after I closed the program and stopped media server.

Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: glynor on February 06, 2015, 07:12:52 pm
Something is going on that is making one of the worker threads in MC hang.

I'd start with the Troubleshooting Guide and post logs and whatnot.  You're focused on it as though it is specific to installing a new build.  It isn't.  The problem is that, for you, part of MC is hanging and is broken, even while it is still running.
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: JimH on February 07, 2015, 07:38:58 am
Remove any external USB devices, etc. for testing.

If you wait a few minutes does it ever close? 

Is a NAS involved?

Are the clients open when it happens?  They could be in the middle of tagging changes, for example.
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: CountryBumkin on February 07, 2015, 08:23:15 am
Those are good ideas.

I don't have any external storage (I have two internal hardware RAID cards with 15 drives attached).

My Clients are always running (I just turn off the TV when done. I never shut off or sleep any of my computers) - so I'll turn those off those Clients and see if that matters.

Waiting doesn't help.

I'm sure this is not a JRiver program bug/issue. It's just that something broken on my computer. And I can't figure it out.

I may just reinstall the OS (clean install) this weekend. I only use this computer for MC (with supporting programs like AnyDVD and MakeMKV and such) so reinstalling is not that much trouble.
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: JimH on February 07, 2015, 09:12:44 am
Is the RAID totally hardware?  What card?  Drivers?

Any other devices plugged in (other than drives)?  We saw an odd problem a couple years ago that ended up being a USB device.
Title: Re: MC will not complete self install (update) unless I end MC20.exe first
Post by: CountryBumkin on February 07, 2015, 12:40:55 pm
I have two 3Ware 9650SE-8LPML running the latest drivers available (release and firmware. I have eight 3TB Western Digital Red NAS drives on one controller and seven 3TB HGST Deskstar 7K3000 drives on the other. I expect this will be the last setup I ever do/need. My OS and JRiver are on a 96GB SSD drive.
These RAID cards are old hardware now, but still work well.

** I decided to just do a clean install (and switch from Win 7 x32 to x64).
Everything installed well, and I have just finished the last of the software installs/updates. I have a system image and a fresh restore point - if ever needed.

No more problems. MC20 is working fine and all processes end when I exit the program.

EDIT: Well. I spoke too soon. I'm still seeing Media Center 20.exe running (and using 25% of CPU) after I close everything and exit Media Server.
Maybe a windows update is the cause or related. I didn't seem to have any problems after a fresh OS install - but perhaps I didn't test enough. I have just finished the OS reinstall and Windows has installed a 124 "important updates" and something like 80 "critical updates" (I did not install any Optional updates) and the problem is back.