More => Old Versions => JRiver Media Center 20 for Windows => Topic started by: AVTechMan on February 07, 2015, 03:04:23 pm
I don't think this is available right now but, I wondering if there would a possible way in the future to say switch libraries while in Theater View?
For instance, my brother has his own library in MC, and I have my own. We can easily switch to each other's libraries whenever we would like to view content that's on the other, or switch to another library on the network that has additional content. However, one HTPC I have I am planning to set to have Theater View start on boot up, to where I don't have to see the Windows background screen. Would be nice for remote control use.
Thing is, there's no current way to switch libraries while in Theater View without having to exit to Standard View to make the change. It would be awesome to simply change libraries when in Theater View to where it can make content browsing a bit more seamless.
What say you?
I don't think this is available right now but, I wondering if there would a possible way in the future to say switch libraries while in Theater View?
You can. There is a command line option to switch Libraries (
So you can make a Theater View Command Line item which calls this command line option:
It would be indeed very easy if there was a selection button in theater view "connect to remote library" or
something similar, to go from the server library to my local library.
Posted while the answer was already here...
I searched for this, thanks.
Super!!!! Thanks a lot, I learned something new of MC, and probably a lot more to follow..
So, Tools, Options, Theater View, add "external program" and fill in as in the picture above
I added two "Switch to Local" and "Switch to Server", it works super!!
JRiver Media Center is the best money spend in my whole life! (but really a lot to learn everything)
Kudos for the creators of this faboulous program.
Kudos for the creators of this faboulous program.
Gosh, thank you! :-*
No problem. One thing that would be handy for stuff like this...
You can't currently nest External Program items in Theater View (they only work in the root). It would be nice to nest things like this under a top-level View so that you could go to Libraries > Load Specific Library (and similar things).
You can. There is a command line option to switch Libraries (
So you can make a Theater View Command Line item which calls this command line option:
Awesome, I'll try this when I get home from work later this afternoon! :)
You can't currently nest External Program items in Theater View (they only work in the root). It would be nice to nest things like this under a top-level View so that you could go to Libraries > Load Specific Library (and similar things).
Actually, I can:
Hmmmm... I tried and it wouldn't nest for me at all.
I'll try again when I get home.
Actually, I can:
Hmm i'd like to know as well, as I can't get the Program item to nest either.
I've noticed that while I was able to switch libraries while in Theater View, the view still remains the same with everything unorganized (items out of place) until I go out to Standard View and return to T-V to refresh with everything now in the correct place.
Plus, if I wanted to return to my own library, I would have to set up a External Program item in Options on the external library server in order to return to my original library.
Doesn't seem quite perfect but hopefully will be improved in time.
I can get it to nest under these conditions:
- The top-level view is a standard view (One of those created when you reset the views)
- The view has more than 2 children.
- The view is not at the bottom of the list.
(It must be a bug mind...)
It seems that External Programs just can be nested under Category elements, either Main or Secondary Roller.
You can. There is a command line option to switch Libraries (
So you can make a Theater View Command Line item which calls this command line option:
any update on this feature for theater view?
It will be good to be able to switch to at least 2 libraries.
I can use this template, but waiting to see if another method of doing this will come from Matt.
I also nest these commands under a Secondary Roller, are some unable to do this or am I missing what the issue is?
I haven't re-tested. I forgot.
Played with it a bit more.
For whatever reason, I can get External Program entries to nest using any of the standard Audio, Video, or Images top level Media Views, but I cannot nest it into my own custom Top Level View.
So, I wanted to make a top-level item called "Configuration" that included this option, and one or two other items that called scripts. But I can't do that. If I want to nest an External Program item under one of the existing Top-Level views (audio, video, or images) I can do that. However, I can't then nest them "down further" in the hierarchy there either. I can put them in the Secondary Roller in Audio, for example, but not into another "tier" deep.
Also, the Move Up/Down and the Nest/Unnest button highlights seem to be wonky. Sometimes Up/Down appear grayed out until I mouseover when they shouldn't be, and the Nest/Unnest highlight logic gets all confused sometimes, and shows both enabled when neither work, or shows none enabled when one or the other works fine.
This sounds great , would it also work in gizmo?