More => Music, Movies, Politics, and Other Cheap Thrills => Topic started by: KingSparta on June 06, 2015, 05:35:36 pm

Title: Windows 10
Post by: KingSparta on June 06, 2015, 05:35:36 pm
I have a new code name for the new windows 10 preview

"Don't Open The Window"

It is hard for me to believe they are going to release it soon.
Title: Re: Windows 10
Post by: SandsOfArrakis on June 07, 2015, 01:40:00 am
Yeah they still have a lot of work to do. I've been a member of a Dutch "geek" ;) forum for years. And in their Windows 10 topic there are many voiced concerns about Windows 10. Lots of bugs, wi-fi dropping for no reason, which requires a reboot to get that going again. I think Microsoft should have waited with releasing Windows 10 till it's more stable.

I guess they want to cash in on the back to school period. But releasing a buggy OS like that for a quick euro/dollar can really backfire on them.

In my opinion this Windows version is do or die for Microsoft.
Title: Re: Windows 10
Post by: Hendrik on June 07, 2015, 03:28:48 am
I guess they want to cash in on the back to school period. But releasing a buggy OS like that for a quick euro/dollar can really backfire on them.

Considering its free for practically everyone (really, who doesn't have a Win7/8/8.1 license somewhere around?), that doesn't seem to be a goal they are after.

One thing to note is that public builds will usually be weeks behind the current development state, as releasing them takes time and they probably do a fair amount of validation even on the builds for testers.
Title: Re: Windows 10
Post by: KingSparta on June 07, 2015, 06:40:12 pm
Their goal it to recapture lost customers, due to changes from windows 7 to windows 8 when many people were not ready for it.

Not sure they can clean it up for July release date.

10074 looked good, but recent updates seemed to be a step backwards, reading the Windows 10 preview forum, many users had the same issues as me with the newer builds. one major one is windows 10 updates not fully installing correctly.

I do hope they get it all cleaned up, but running out and upgrading in July might not be a good Idea.
Title: Re: Windows 10
Post by: glynor on June 07, 2015, 07:19:53 pm
Considering its free for practically everyone (really, who doesn't have a Win7/8/8.1 license somewhere around?), that doesn't seem to be a goal they are after.

I'm not entirely sure what they're after with the pricing model, however, I feel it is worth pointing out that upgrade revenue has always been a tiny sliver-of-a-fraction of the overall Windows revenue pie. Almost no one upgrades. Yes, us nerds do it, but we are few.

Everyone else only gets new editions of Windows when they buy a new PC.

That doesn't mean it doesn't impact the revenue picture (even ignoring upgrades, some people buy new PCs, primarily to get the new version of Windows, though those people are also probably few).  But still... There are a ton of people who probably have a qualifying license for Windows 10, and still won't upgrade.  Microsoft sure seems to be pushing it this time around (with the little white flag you can't make go away unless you're a nerd), but...

I don't know. It is still an overall small piece of the pie. Suffice to say, I don't know what they're up to this time. I don't even know for sure if they know.
Title: Re: Windows 10
Post by: JimH on June 07, 2015, 07:23:28 pm
Yes, us nerds do it, but we are few.
Yes, it's sad but true.
Title: Re: Windows 10
Post by: Hilton on June 09, 2015, 05:04:49 am
I rolled back my main rig today to Win8.1.
I actually restored it from a backup over the network for the first time, using PXE network Boot with Acronis Backup and Recovery - was kinda cool!

There's too many compromises with Win10 on my main system that were popping up.
Games for one, were not performing like they should with a massive drop in FPS.

I'll stick with it on my surface pro 2 for now though as the updates are rolling out fast.

It's definitely not ready for mainstream yet but with the pace of updates they'll either get there or they'll postpone it.
I like where they're going with it mostly so far.
Title: Re: Windows 10
Post by: SandsOfArrakis on June 14, 2015, 02:48:44 am
My laptop updated itself from 10074 to 10130 last night. Did notice that apps are now properly recognized as being bought by me. So they don't run in adware/shareware mode anymore :) The beta Store won't even start though, it crashes while trying to start it up. That one at least started correctly in 10074.

I still don't think Windows 10 is ready for RTM.
Title: Re: Windows 10
Post by: jmone on June 14, 2015, 04:14:42 am
I've been using Win10 Previews on my dedicated HTPCs since pretty much the beginning and they work fine and the price is right!