Networks and Remotes => Remotes => Topic started by: mindblanking on June 13, 2015, 08:29:47 am
I've been using the program for over a year now and love it. The last few days I've been unable to connect to my server and not sure why. WiFi is on both on my computer and my Iphone. I don't detect anything that could be interfering. Any thoughts on what might be happening would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Try powering everything down and back up.
I am having exactly the same problem. Everything was fine, today not. I am connecting with an access key. In the connection summary, it says connecting to IP (etc) and then timed out.
Try powering everything down and back up.
Thanks.. Yeah, that's always my first fix for pretty much everything. Didn't help. Both units (computer and Iphone) are wi fi enabled. I really don't know what's happening. Third day in a row.
Did you power down the network? All devices?
Did you power down the network? All devices?
Tried everything. Even called Comcast to see if there was a wifi issue. They did some checking, changed some settings and ultimately said it must be a problem with the app. I deleted the app from my phone and reinstalled. Now, when I try to connect I get a report that says connection timed out... connection denied. Have no idea what's going on. Any thoughts anyone?
Did you power down the network? All devices?
Seems like the only choices I have left are to uninstall JRiver Media Center and reinstall but could that make a difference? If not that, then maybe try with a different phone? Could this be an issue with my phone and not my wifi? Also if I could think of something else that uses an app on my phone that must connect with my computer I could see if that's able to work. This is frustrating. JRemote is Great!
Try setting up a fixed (reserved) IP address for your server.
Try setting up a fixed (reserved) IP address for your server.
That seems far above my capabilities. Also, I've not had any problems, except occasionally, until a couple of days ago.
Just went into media network and did a "Test connection to this server" Here's what I received...
This Library server is not reachable from the internet
To use this server from other computers on your local network, select it in the tree (playing now tp playing from) and click load library
To make this server accessible from the internet you'll probably have to configure your router's port forwarding to allow incoming access on port 52199
Anyone know what that means and what I need to do?
Still can't connect. Spent two hours on the phone with comcast and have no idea what' s up.
Same answer as before: Try setting up a fixed (reserved) IP address for your server.
Same answer as before: Try setting up a fixed (reserved) IP address for your server.
Can you talk me through how to do that?
This Library server is not reachable from the internet
Anyone know what that means and what I need to do?
That only matters if you are trying to stream from your computer at home to JRemote outside of your network (on the road).
If both JRemote and MC are on the same network, then this doesn't matter and doesn't hurt anything.
The way JRemote connects to your computer's copy of MC, when set up with an access key, is the following:
1. MC on your computer registers itself with JRiver's servers, which associates the access key with the IP addresses your computer has at the moment.
2. JRemote on your device connects to JRiver's servers, and asks it what address to use to connect to your computer.
3. Then JRemote connects directly to your computer using this address.
So, for the access key system to work, both the MC server and JRemote must have working Internet access. It doesn't use this to send information from JRemote to the server (and back) but only to "look up" what the access key means.
So, both the MC server and the iOS or Android device running JRemote need to be able to get online if you are using an access key.
If your access key isn't working, and your Internet access is working on both devices, then try resetting the Access Key. You do this in MC under:
Tools > Options > Media Network > Access Key (the same place you tested the connection). Choose Reset. This will generate a brand-new Access Key and once you enter it into JRemote there is a good chance this'll fix your issue.
If that doesn't work, then something is almost certainly blocking the connection between JRemote and MC on the server. The most likely culprit is security or firewall software. Though, if you changed anything with your network (changing routers, adding routers, adding modems, anything like that), then you could have things misconfigured there too.
Since your external test failed (the test you reported and that I commented upon at the beginning), your setup will only work if your device (JRemote) and the MC server are on the same network.
If you think this might be the cause, describe your network setup more, and provide the current IP address and subnet mask for both your device and your MC server.
* Find your computer's IP address on Windows (
* Find your iOS device's IP address (
* Find your Android device's IP address (
That only matters if you are trying to stream from your computer at home to JRemote outside of your network (on the road).
If both JRemote and MC are on the same network, then this doesn't matter and doesn't hurt anything.
The way JRemote connects to your computer's copy of MC, when set up with an access key, is the following:
1. MC on your computer registers itself with JRiver's servers, which associates the access key with the IP addresses your computer has at the moment.
2. JRemote on your device connects to JRiver's servers, and asks it what address to use to connect to your computer.
3. Then JRemote connects directly to your computer using this address.
So, for the access key system to work, both the MC server and JRemote must have working Internet access. It doesn't use this to send information from JRemote to the server (and back) but only to "look up" what the access key means.
So, both the MC server and the iOS or Android device running JRemote need to be able to get online if you are using an access key.
If your access key isn't working, and your Internet access is working on both devices, then try resetting the Access Key. You do this in MC under:
Tools > Options > Media Network > Access Key (the same place you tested the connection). Choose Reset. This will generate a brand-new Access Key and once you enter it into JRemote there is a good chance this'll fix your issue.
If that doesn't work, then something is almost certainly blocking the connection between JRemote and MC on the server. The most likely culprit is security or firewall software. Though, if you changed anything with your network (changing routers, adding routers, adding modems, anything like that), then you could have things misconfigured there too.
Since your external test failed (the test you reported and that I commented upon at the beginning), your setup will only work if your device (JRemote) and the MC server are on the same network.
If you think this might be the cause, describe your network setup more, and provide the current IP address and subnet mask for both your device and your MC server.
* Find your computer's IP address on Windows (
* Find your iOS device's IP address (
* Find your Android device's IP address (
Tried using a different access key and still getting timed out messages. yesterday I uninstalled and reinstalled JRemote and so I'm basically adding a server for the first time. Here are the ip addresses for my Iphone 5 as well as the computer I want to connect the JRemote app with
I.P for Iphone
I.P for computer
I have a single router/modem in my bedroom that controls my wifi network for my two laptops, my Iphone, my wife's android and our bluray player when using netflix. I've spoken with Comcast and they assure me there's no issue on their end. Yes, sometimes, Netflix conks out, or downloads are interminably slow but, as I've said, I've never had a problem with JRemote before with the exception of the occasional "cant' connect to server" message which did happen on occasion.
Fixed it myself... Firewall issue! I knew that was likely but was positive I had no firewall installed. Turns out, after some digging, I found that I did. Thanks for helping!
Great. Glad to hear it.
Once I saw those IPs, I assumed it was a firewall. Only thing that made sense.
Having the same problem here. J Remote was working, then quit connecting with nothing changes. Tried power cycling router, resetting access key, turning off firewall, all to no avail. Am able to stream directly from my desktop using MC to my DAC, but can't get J Remote to connect. Even tried de-installing and re-installing app. Please advise.
Same here...
One week ago JRemote worked fine.
Yesterday I was not able to connect to the MC server. I found out that the firewall was not open for incoming requests to MC20.
Server is found now, but JRemote cannot list the files. It shows the top level branches 'books' 'audio' 'video', but no files. After 1 or 2 minutes JRemote then crashes.
I'm using JREMOTE om my Galaxy Note 3 Android 5.0.
Gizmo works fine and fast. So I'm pretty sure that the problem is related to JRemote.
Same here...
No it isn't, because:
Server is found now, but JRemote cannot list the files. It shows the top level branches 'books' 'audio' 'video', but no files. After 1 or 2 minutes JRemote then crashes.
I'm not sure about how to do it on Android, but on iOS, I'd recommend deleting and re-installing the app.
Please advise.
In Media Center's Tree (, open Services & Plugins > Media Network. Then set the Server drop-down to the one you have that says (Library Server) next to it.
Report back here what it lists as the Active Interfaces and Port.
Next, go to JRemote and then tap Settings (if required) and then tap the i next to your server's name. Report back the Address listed near the top and Port Number, which should match the ones MC is serving above. Also, ensure the Access Key listed matches the one shown in MC under: Tools > Options > Media Network > Access Key.
Lastly, assuming you're running JRemote on an iOS device, open the Settings app and go to WiFi. Then hit the i next to the name of your WiFi network and report the device's IP address.
All of these addresses should be private addresses on your LAN in the same IP address range, such as 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x. If they are different, except in the last digit, then you're not on the same LAN, but on two separate LAN connections (and that's why it isn't working).
Lastly, please note that for the Access Key system to work, MC has to be able to get online on your system, so if you can't view web content, then it isn't going to work. An easy way to test is to go to Services & Plugins > Amazon, which should open up the Amazon MP3 store. There are other ways to check it, but suffice to say that your computer has to be online, able to connect to the Internet, and MC has to be allowed by whatever security software you use to access the Internet.
Been really good for over 4 years, a pleasure to use
Mac owners will know that Apple nag you to do an update of the OS, which takes 50 mins
This morning, JRemote reported a "Time Out" error. I tried to connect with a key, then via IP address. Within 15 seconds, the Time Out message appears
Is there any way to resolve this?
The Firewall on the Mac is off
I rebooted, deleted the apps on Mac and iPad, no difference
There is a server response on the Mac. Does this help?
Finding computer addresses associated with access key 'GzOKDp'
Response received
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Response Status="OK">
Found 1 addresses
Connecting to IP: Port: 52199
Timed out
Please respond. I am disabled so cannot access the computer easily.
Connecting to IP: Port: 52199
That may not be the right address. It's probably You can try it by entering it instead of the Access Key:
The address is correct since this is provided by a Huawei LTE router, whose address is and the DHCP range is to
It has been connecting via the same wi-fi address for about 10 months
For instance the address of this iPad is It is a MacBook that has the address
Is Media Network enabled? Is it checked in options for Media Network?
Is Media Server running?
Well, since the Media server supplied an access code, does this not indicate the media server is switched on?
I do not understand what "authentication" means but have never filled in anything there.
In the past, I requested a code, made a note of it, entered this number on JRemote and it connected.
Did I leave out a step in this procedure?
In the meantime, I also restarted the computer, the iPad and the router, as someone above suggested
Thank you
Althought this thread is old, the topic still seems to become actual from time to time.
I had the same problem and found a possible solution.
I run JRiver MC on a server with Windows 11. I use Microsoft Remote Desktop for access.
It happened that JRemote couldn't connect to JRiver MC, it received the well known error message.
I had auto-login configured, it looks like this didn't work anymore.
After I logged into the server via Remote Desktop, JRemote got connection. Which means that JRiver server wasn't running until then and started just after my login.
The situation was that when I switched on the server, it started but obviously didn't login anymore, so JRiver MC + JRiver server didn't start anymore.
I changed a few entries in Windows registry with regedit so that the default user would login when the server starts:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoAdminLogon:1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultUserName:(username for login)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultPassword:(password for login)
An alternative may be
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PasswordLess\Device\DevicePasswordLessBuildVersion:0
and then deactivate the password check with netplwiz.
JRiver has its autostart entry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER:
It may be useful to have it (also) in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: