Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: William-NM on August 18, 2015, 03:52:00 pm
*** Some Newer Presets for MilkDrop2:
It appears that some our fellow MD2 enthusiasts are continuing to create new presets and tweak and morph others, so I scraped what I could see into a .rar file, cleverly named 'Newish-Milkdrop2-Presets.rar' and available for your downloading pleasure here:
Some are pretty cool, here's a teaser:
( OOH, big teaser.
It sounds like some dj's have managed to layer MD2 output with other video to do some cool stuff- find them on youtube. Sadly, they, like us, are hoping for a kindly programmer to update the code, to no avail. :'(
Oh, I didn't mention that these were on the old winamp site, made by flexi and other smart people who can comprehend the MD2 preset code. I think we can say that even today, "[product name here] whips the Llama's A$$". :D
By the way, if you like, you can make a folder in the presets folder ie: Presets/New/ and dump these in there while you see which ones you like. To open them, with MD2 running, hit the "L" key. Then, use the numpad '8' key to navigate up to the new folder (or to go up a level, go to the very top; "[ ..] Parent Directory". When you have the highlight where you want it, hit numpad '5'. Same to navigate to any directory, just get the highlight where you want it and hit numpad "5" on any preset to start playback.
Number ROW '1' for help.
You can also hit 'a' to do a random 'mashup' and see what you get.
Enjoy the non-productivity!
*** note: I made a small file on how to migrate MilkDrop2 when you upgrade Media center. This doesn't have all the presets and program files, just directions & .reg files needed to get MD2 working. (3rd link below) ***
While we wait for some smartie to put together a one-click installer for the MilkDrop2 Visualization Engine, I thought I'd pull together all the steps and files, as they were scattered far & wide. All credit to the original authors, especially Paul1970 for the original port and Doof, on whose write-up this readme is based.
I put the files up on GoogleDrive. I made the ReadMe a separate file, so you can download it first. The main file is about 160MB and includes the appx. 50K presets originally uploaded by Arcturus, as well as the main plug-in and the support files mentioned in the ReadMe. The additional presets are in a separate folder, so you can install some or all of them at a later date if desired.
Here is the ReadMe File:
Here is the main file:
Upgrading MC? Just get this:
That's all I can think of at the moment-- I hope this helps someone and please post if you notice omissions or errors. I'll attach a screenshot of a few of the presets for kicks.
This is great! Thanks for doing this. The step by step instructions in the ReadMe file are much appreciated!
Thanks for taking the time to do that.
Thanks very much! I never installed Milkdrop2 on MC 20, but had it on MC 19, because it was too much hassle. I really appreciate this.
Thanks, Guys!
To quote a wise man ...
Error compiling Ps_2_0 warp shader... Your hardware sux! ;D
Went through all the steps in the readme (with good succcess messages along the way), and this is what I ended up with when trying to start Milkdrop2 in MC19 ...
Drat ... shut down MC, rebooted cold, same thing. I did verify that the regedit took (Looks good to me anyway):
... and I should be good on .NET 4 Runtime ...
Double drat!
Ideas? I'll run through it all again later, but wondering if someone else has seen the same? Running Windows 8 Pro on this machine. Also, doesn't matter if I run it in Admin or a user account.
PS ... I also changed permissions on the .INI files in the main Milkdrop2 directory, but that shouldn't be an issue until I start trying to save settings ... which might be a while ...
Darn it!
I can verify that the registry entries look identical to mine.
What about DirectX? Did you DL the "dxwebsetup.exe" file from the Microsoft link & run it?
When you look at the top MilkDrop2 directory (*"C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 21\Visualizations\Milkdrop2" (in my case), do you have 3 files (milk2.ini, milk2_adapters,txt, & vis_milk2.dll, plus another MilkDrop2 folder.
In the 2nd MilkDrop2 folder, there should just be 4 folders: data, docs, presets, & textures.
That's a new error message to me. Has anyone successfully installed the package on their machines? It would be good to hear that nothing is 'broken' in it.
I'll do some poking around on my end, and maybe you can give it one more run through?
Let's hope one of the brainiacs on the forums has a suggestion!!
Darn it!
I can verify that the registry entries look identical to mine.
That's sorta why I posted up that reg dump so you could look see. Worth a shot anyway.
What about DirectX? Did you DL the "dxwebsetup.exe" file from the Microsoft link & run it?
Yup. Full install using your link. One point worth mentioning ... the progress bars are worth a shite on that installation. They both hit 100% about halfway through. Note to the wise ... be patient!
When you look at the top MilkDrop2 directory (*"C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 21\Visualizations\Milkdrop2" (in my case), do you have 3 files (milk2.ini, milk2_adapters,txt, & vis_milk2.dll, plus another MilkDrop2 folder.
Yup. Went through the directory structure completely and it matches what's in the README. Vis_milk2.dll was successfully registered, and both milk2.ini and milk2_adapters.txt have had their read/write privileges modified as per your suggestion. Once again, that shouldn't be an issue until I actually get it running and try to save preferences.
In the 2nd MilkDrop2 folder, there should just be 4 folders: data, docs, presets, & textures.
Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup.
That's a new error message to me. Has anyone successfully installed the package on their machines? It would be good to hear that nothing is 'broken' in it.
I'll do some poking around on my end, and maybe you can give it one more run through?
Let's hope one of the brainiacs on the forums has a suggestion!!
Keeping my fingers crossed here. I had Milkdrops installed on a prior player at one point and really loved it. You mentioned earlier looking for a way to trash presets you don't like - you can set Milkdrop to show the preset name (upper left corner I believe) and note the ones you don't like, then just delete those from the preset folder, or move them to another folder outside of where Milkdrop looks.
Plan is to give it another go (reset to a prior RESTORE point probably the best way as that should make it like a pre MD virgin) but hoping it's something easy, like "Oh, just click this and yer good ta go!!" ...
PS ... new error? Just don't name it after me!! <G>
EDIT > > Wondering if I need a newer version of .NET installed? Check yours and see wotcher got. Maybe I got that cornfused with something else and I don't even need that.
** SPEAKING OF great heaping steaming piles of drat ...
Just notice NONE of my visualizations were working! Got the same error message even with the built in vis selections, and ditto for Aeon, GForce, etc ...
- Tried RESTORING the system to the point created by the DFX installation - same thing. That happened after the Milkdrop was installed on the system, so it's not a DFX issue.
- Restored to the last point saved prior to trying this. Basically undid everything Milkdrop related and made it like it was. Everything's working again ... except of course Milkdrop ...
I'll give it another go maybe tomorrow, checking things out after each step, and at least try to figure out what's breaking the other visualizations.
- Huh ...
Thank you for this William-NM.
There are some extra steps for windows 10 users.
You need to right click individually on milk2.ini, viz_milk2.dll and then everything in the data dir, and select properties and check unblock and then ok/apply.
I learned this by trial and error.
If one doesn't do this MMC crashes fairly quickly every time milkdrop2 is used.
- Elric
He steps up to the plate, taps the inside corner, then the outside corner, awaits the pitch ...
And yet another mighty whiff!!
Restored to a point prior to the Milkdrop2 install (which fixed all the other visualizations as well) and tried again from scratch. This time, I also installed the C++ runtime library, as that's what was giving me error messages and breaking everything. No luck.
Restored to the same point, and retired my bat ... I suppose I could try uninstalling all the SoundSpectrum visualizations and see if it's a conflict with those, but those are tempermental enough on their own without tempting the fates.
Fun for a rainy day though. For a while ... then not so much. :-\
PS ... I also caught the note in the install of trying the "hive" registry hack and tried that ... to no avail.
Thanks - I've added your tip to the Install ReadMe. Glad to hear that it's working for you!
<sigh> I tried installing the zipped file on my system, just to make sure nothing got messed up, but all was well. I checked my .net framework versions; I have 2.0.50727.4927, 3.0, 3.5 & v4 (as opposed to 4.0, which is deprecated. Gotta love that Microsoft.)
I was really hoping that a bit of tweaking would get you running, but it sounds like there may be a conflict with your other visualizer plugs. Maybe the long awaited mystery developer will materialize and work some magic...
Thanks William-NM and Elric,
I've installed this on windows 10 and MC21 and everything works really nicely. It's great to see this in action again since the winamp days!
Glad to hear that it's working for you! It's too good a viz to let it fall by the wayside.
Thank you for the concise instructions! Easily installed!
Excellent. 8)
Excellent. 8)
Just a headsup. On the latest MC21 beta 21.0.7, MilkDrop causes MC to crash as soon as play is pressed. Attached the log files to this thread :
Hope that helps!
works fine here
Still working fine under MC 21.0.7 here, too. Sorry to hear that it's not playing nicely with your system. I'm on Win10, too.
Just a headsup. On the latest MC21 beta 21.0.7, MilkDrop causes MC to crash as soon as play is pressed. Attached the log files to this thread :
I also have problems, but with v19 (latest stable)
Took a peek at your log files and I see one similarity to my system. Wonder if it's a problem with AMD video drivers? Maybe worth checking out ... here's a link to their handy dandy utility that detects your current drivers and offers updates if available ... (
Mine are a couple years old and came with the computer. Currently downloading the updated install and keeping my fingers crossed. And I WILL set a new restore point prior to giving it a click, and I DO have a current full backup ... not that I don't trust either MS or AMD ... no sir, not in the slightest! <G>
Oh. And I WILL try reinstalling Milkdrops afterwards, and hope to be pleasantly surprised.
PS ... come to find out, the AMD control center is apparently a .NET application. That keeps coming up in conversation here ...
UPDATE > > New drivers loaded, same error ... no joy here in mudville ...
AMD Catalyst also installs a version of MS C++ runtime ... I guess that's required for a .NET app ...
I also have problems, but with v19 (latest stable)
Took a peek at your log files and I see one similarity to my system. Wonder if it's a problem with AMD video drivers? Maybe worth checking out ... here's a link to their handy dandy utility that detects your current drivers and offers updates if available ... (
Mine are a couple years old and came with the computer. Currently downloading the updated install and keeping my fingers crossed. And I WILL set a new restore point prior to giving it a click, and I DO have a current full backup ... not that I don't trust either MS or AMD ... no sir, not in the slightest! <G>
Oh. And I WILL try reinstalling Milkdrops afterwards, and hope to be pleasantly surprised.
PS ... come to find out, the AMD control center is apparently a .NET application. That keeps coming up in conversation here ...
UPDATE > > New drivers loaded, same error ... no joy here in mudville ...
AMD Catalyst also installs a version of MS C++ runtime ... I guess that's required for a .NET app ...
Thanks for attempting to find out the issue. Thing is, MilkDrop was working fine on the same system up to 21.0.6. Only in 21.0.7 that it crashes. Oh well!
Be interesting to see if rolling back to '06 would make it work again, or if something else got installed that's getting in the way ...
I suppose that would all depend on whether the latest and greatest has any new features you can't live without. I personally haven't found any reason (yet) to upgrade from where I'm at, and I'm happy enough (for now) that I don't much care to play with MC versions ...
(Although I DO have MC18 loaded up on the XP side of my machine. I kept that for legacy support of my old version of SoundForge, but XP doesn't have the killer audio of WASAPI for my DAC ... major improvements in playback there ... )
Ah, well.
PS ... if it helps any, this time around I didn't do a Windows Restore ... just deleted the Milkdrop2 directory from MC's vis folder. Everything else is working again WITH the milkdrop registry entries AND still has the DLL registered as well, AND the new .NET and C++ support installed along with the ATI video upgrade.
** Also, is there another version of the Milkdrop vis that's known to work with MC that might be worth trying? This install does a nice job of organizing the details, and maybe a simple swap of the DLL or other support modules might do the trick here?
EDIT > > Something else I might try. Milkdrop IS written for WinAmp ... I might just go ahead and install the latest version of that on my machine, making sure to uncheck any file associations that could screw with MC. The WinAmp install includes MD2, and I might end up with a registry entry or three that helps. Do the WinAmp install, then copy the working files into your directory structure, then re-register the DLL and see wot hoppens ... at least check and see if it installs a different DLL that might work. Plan would be to do minimal tweaks the the MC directory. I'd also probably want to check the WinAmp and MC registry sections to see if there's any differences.
Another thought ... I see WinAmp recommends using a WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs) version of the ATI video drivers. Something else to check if the WinAmp install fails to get MD2 working.)
Hey, sKiZo
The only other versions of MilkDrop that I know of are the ones for IOS and Android, both named projectM. They're available in their respective app stores. I also see a 2014 MediaMonkey port at, but I don't know anything about it. (I hope that's OK to mention...)
It also looks like someone is trying to get a repository going at .
The WinAmp idea is interesting, let us know how that turns out.
It's a real pain not knowing what dependencies the plug has - we just have to rely on you hardy souls trying various tweaks until something works. :-\
re: AMD - could be, though my old HTPC was a HP laptop with AMD graphics and it ran fine. The current one is a cheapo HP laptop with IntelHD graphics.
Keep on chooglin' (as John Fogerty would say, heh)
Thanks a million for the info in this thread. It's great to have Milkdrop running again.
Strangely, however, I get a momentary stutter every 10-15 seconds. The display just freezes for half a second or so then resumes. I have tried decreasing the mesh size, and it makes no difference. I think my computer is powerful enough.
To be certain, I tried running Milkdrop 2 in Foobar2000 on the same machine. It runs smoothly even with the highest mesh size.
Any thoughts on what might be causing this?
May seem counter-intuitive, but try increasing your audio buffer size ...
I had some frame drops with the Sound Spectrum visualizations, and that fixed it ...
PS ... I've yet to get a good install on MilkDrops here ... Granted, I haven't tried in a while. I've finally got a decent internet connection (no more 5gig a month cap!) so I've been using theater mode a lot now that I've got the bandwidth to play with.
Still running MC19 (latest stable) as well. My setup is exclusively audio, and it's doing everything I want it to do.
Hi, baniels - glad to hear that MilkDrop is working for you. Let us know if the buffer increase doesn't help. I'm not seeing any stuttering on my low-end HP HTPC laptop. If it's running smoothly in Foobar, I guess that rules out the graphics drivers, though I'd see if there are any updates available if the buffer increase doesn't do the trick.
If it's running smoothly in Foobar, I guess that rules out the graphics drivers, though I'd see if there are any updates available if the buffer increase doesn't do the trick.
I would never assume that.
UPDATE ... success ... finally.
Ended up rolling back my AMD video drivers to 14.1 - just the drivers, after uninstalling that bloatware Catalyst thing. Reinstalled the DirectX (yet again) from the link provided in the installation notes of the zip, and tada! It works!
That was only like pulling teeth. <G>
I have everything working (with occasional lockup) but the milk2_adapters.txt file has incorrect video card information and when I try to configure in options under Windowed the drop down menu for video card selection is blank. Anyone experience this?
-I did change permissions on ini/txt files
-Renamed milk2_adapters.txt thinking it might redetect - but did not (Oddly it runs without error so is this a legacy file which isn't even referenced?)
Truth be told, I've never gotten any of the menus to work. I just fire it up and let it do it's thing.
So, how exactly does one access the configuration menus on Milkdrop from within JRiver?
Truth be told, I've never gotten any of the menus to work. I just fire it up and let it do it's thing.
So, how exactly does one access the configuration menus on Milkdrop from within JRiver?
Click the window so that it has focus then keys 0-6. 0 brings up config menu. I think 1 was main menu.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using Tapatalk
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using Tapatalk
Please remove the Tapatalk ad. It's under the settings for Signature in Tapatalk.
Click the window so that it has focus then keys 0-6. 0 brings up config menu. I think 1 was main menu.
Just a reminder that the number row and number keypad (numpad) have different functions in MilkDrop ; )
Tip: If in doubt - cheat. I installed Winamp (Milkdrop is included) and configured to my hearts content then copied necessary files out of C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT\AppData\Roaming\Winamp\Plugins\Milkdrop2 to C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 22\Visualizations\Milkdrop2 :P
Come to find out, my problem is the mini keyboard on my HTPC. I have to hot key between the number pad and standard keys and that seems to be confusing MilkDrop.
Time for Plan ... er ... what am I at ... uh ... J! <G>
I've got a USB keyboard with the standard layout. Be giving that a try soon, long enough to see wot happens.
PS ... any way to view a single preset? I figure, find something I don't much like, just move it to a "hold" folder somewhere so MD can't find it. Seems that would also make it a lot easier to set moods.
Trouble is, the ratings won't stick in the installed folder. I think I fooled around with trying to change permissions (fail) and even tried putting them all under my user folder (outside of the 'Programs' area). The issue with that was that every time you open MC you had to navigate a zillion directories away. So, what I ended up doing was creating a duplicate 'presets' folder under the c: root. When I'm in the mood to rate presets, I navigate over there and do a bunch, then copy them over the ones under the MC directory.
Maybe one of you smart people have a simpler method - if so, please post it!
Not sure what issue you encountered but I changed permissions on Presets folder and can change ratings by hitting 6 then +/- and the ratings stick.
* In Windows Explorer, right-click the Presets folder and select "Properties..."
* Click on the "Security" tab.
* Click on the "Edit" button.
* In the list of group or user names, click "Users".*
* Down below, in the list of Permissions, click "Modify". "Write" will also become checked.
* Click "Okay" to close the "Permissions" dialog, then "Okay" in the "Properties" dialog.
PS ... any way to view a single preset? I figure, find something I don't much like, just move it to a "hold" folder somewhere so MD can't find it. Seems that would also make it a lot easier to set moods.
L should invoke load module for specific preset and F8 should change preset directory. Cheers.
Yep, I just adjusted the permissions again and it stuck this time. I thought I'd tried everything.
Thanks, beat_works - that makes 'fine-tuning' a lot more fun!
Not sure what issue you encountered but I changed permissions on Presets folder and can change ratings by hitting 6 then +/- and the ratings stick.
* In Windows Explorer, right-click the Presets folder and select "Properties..."
* Click on the "Security" tab.
* Click on the "Edit" button.
* In the list of group or user names, click "Users".*
* Down below, in the list of Permissions, click "Modify". "Write" will also become checked.
* Click "Okay" to close the "Permissions" dialog, then "Okay" in the "Properties" dialog.
sKiZo - glad you got it working!
You can put your favorites or moods into separate directories if you like. You just hit "L" (load) to bring up the navigation menu. Then use the numpad 2,4,6,8 to move to your directory ("parent directory", i.e. <..up>, is at the top). Hit <numpad 5> for <enter>. Once you're in your directory, just go the first preset or whatever one you want to load & hit <numpad 5>. It will play through the presets from there.
If I'm organizing presets into directories, I just hit <number row 4> (so I can see the name) and alt-tab to a dual-pane file explorer (I use 'FreeCommander' or 'Directory Opus') and it isn't TOO much of a pain...
Or, you can just rate (<numpad -> <numpad +>) presets that you don't like '0', and they shouldn't display.
Some of the keys mentioned in the Milkdrop2/docs/milkdrop.html file are different or conflict with MC keys.
Function keys F1 - F9 are just plain <number row> 1 - 9 in MC. <esc>, <space>, <enter> don't work, at least on my system.
Milkdrop2/docs/milkdrop_preset_authoring.html has all the info on creating / editing presets. My hat is off to you if you can 'grok' all that stuff!
Sorry if you already knew all this!
Come to find out, my problem is the mini keyboard on my HTPC. I have to hot key between the number pad and standard keys and that seems to be confusing MilkDrop.
Time for Plan ... er ... what am I at ... uh ... J! <G>
I've got a USB keyboard with the standard layout. Be giving that a try soon, long enough to see wot happens.
PS ... any way to view a single preset? I figure, find something I don't much like, just move it to a "hold" folder somewhere so MD can't find it. Seems that would also make it a lot easier to set moods.
So, guys, is it working ok on v.22? I run the latest 22.0.77 and it just crashes with this:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Media Center 22.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 58b6ff95
Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.3.9600.18340
Fault Module Timestamp: 5736541b
Exception Code: e06d7363
Exception Offset: 00014878
OS Version: 6.3.9600.
Locale ID: 1032
Additional Information 1: 5861
Additional Information 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2
Additional Information 3: 6ee2
Additional Information 4: 6ee2432e64e99bdcea5e4be767a3b1a2
Read our privacy statement online:
If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
Any help, highly appreciated, thx!
Found this, which might be helpful ...
(Keeping in mind of course anything you find or hear on the web is suspect) 8)
So ............
It's not an MC file - maybe worse, it's a core file in MS WindoHs ...
One potential fix ... try logging on as a different user. You should have an administrator account available for that. If you can get v22 to fire on that account, delete and recreate your usual account and that (should) fix it.
Or not ... be sure to report back.
All ears here ...
Really really like Milkdrops now that I got it to work, but still running MC v18 here. Just an audio server, and I've seen no need to upgrade as it's doing everything I want it to do gracefully.
PS ... not sure if you'll have any "rights" issues for accessing files from that point. The newer the version of WindOhs, the more hoops it makes you jump through in that regard. Not sure why, but JRiver also sets up a proprietary account when installed that can be a PITA to work around when making any changes. (mutter gripe) Then again, that seems to be a problem even working in the user account you installed it under ...(grumble mumble)
Works fine for me on Windows 10 and MC 22 once I had installed the old DirectX runtimes from Microsoft.
Thx for the replies guys, I'll try your suggestions and report back!
So, I've tried both suggestions and they didn't help me :/ but thx anyway!
What baffles me most is that when I tried and got back to latest 21, it worked just fine!
Another common thread for why this happens seems to be some sort of database corruption or incompatibility with whatever program you're using. What doesn't help is the number of copies (and versions) of kernelbase.dll you'll find on the average computer. I did a search here and came up with something like 30 copies scattered about, with assorted sizes and creation dates.
In your working copy of V21:
- Create a new restore point in Windows
- Manually back up your MC library
- Disable all addons
- Clear the library and restore that from the latest backup
Upgrade to v22 when you're sure all went well in v21 and keep yer fingers crossed. Not sure where JRiver stands on doing a complete uninstall before installing a new version. Anyone?
Last resort, sink or swim, you could try resetting MC to the default settings, and then rebuilding the library from a backup. Pretty sure that will blow up milkdrops and any other addons you've installed, so keep that in mind. Proceed at your own risk, and be sure to take copious notes on whatever tweaks you've done to the program, especially DSP settings and such. Feelin' lucky? Well are ya? ;-}
Somehow, after going to 22.0.81 the problem was resolved by itself!!! :)
I've backed up my system in case everything goes south later on and I'm a happy man!
Thx for all your help guys!
Maybe the gurus are reading this thread ... keep posting up, and maybe they'll build Milkdrops into the distribution package!! 8)
Maybe the gurus are reading this thread ... keep posting up, and maybe they'll build Milkdrops into the distribution package!! 8)
The truth is, I haven't updated all of my PCs to the latest version of Media Center because I don't want to disrupt Milkdrop. Building Milkdrop into the distribution would be great. Additionally, I have friends that still use Winamp only because they don't want to not have Milkdrop and installing it into Media Center is too daunting or time consuming for them.
Biggest problem seems to be that MC insists on creating and installing to a new directory with every version. Not sure why that happens, but it manages to break a lot of addons every time. So far, I've managed to keep my SoundSpectrum visualizations (Whitecap, G-Force, Aeon) working - all good stuff that sort of supports MC, but only the version that was active when I downloaded their installation packages. I got lucky there and was able to just shuffle a few DLLs to the new MC directory. Another is the iMon LCD display on my HTPC ... whole nuther thread on some of the hoops you have to jump through to get that working. That also goes fubar on a version upgrade and is like pulling teeth getting it to work again once it breaks.
And as mentioned earlier, I had a helluva time getting Milkdrops to work here. Good news is, it's been consistently stable since first fire. Ditto with the SoundSpectrum visualizations and the iMon LCD. I've abandoned all hope on getting some custom visualizations using the original MC workshop to work on the newer versions. I notice the workshop is gone from the menus, so I guess the support for it went away as well.
I finally installed MC22 today, heh. Naturally, I wanted my MilkDrop2 fix & thought I might as well make a little 'cheat sheet' on migrating MD2 to new Media Center version upgrades, in case anyone had trouble. I added it to the first post, but thought I'd put it here, too.
Let me know if I missed anything.
Got it working just in time for MC23 ... :-\
(Really starting to wonder about the number of version upgrades anymore. MC22 didn't even make it a year, did it? )
Depends when you jump. For me, that's right away, both times, and they were a year apart, almost to the day.
That said, I've also never had any issue getting MilkDrop up and running on any version since MilkDrop became an MC thing.
Would still be neat if they could make it a part of MC though, instead of a buggy plugin :)
William-NM, thank you very much for making MilkDrop2 available for us. Your detailed installation instructions were very clear and helpful. I was able to install MilkDrop 2 onto MC 20 with ease, thank you!
Pressing the numerical 0 while MilkDrop is playing brings up access to the program's configurations.
I'm assuming that Windowed mode is the only mode that can be used because the Desktop and Full Screen mode are grayed out, which is no problem for me because MC will display visualizations in full screen.
What I really would like is to be able to tweak the Maximum Frame Rate and increase the size of the fonts that appear in the MilkDrop on screen console - because the text is too tiny to read.
However, any changes I make don't remain after I close the configuration window.
How does one make the frame rate and font changes take effect?
Hi Supersnake, you're welcome. I wish I had the programming skills to bring the program up to date. As far as your config changes not 'sticking', the only thing I know to suggest is applying the principles in these steps from the install doc if you haven't already - it sounds like a permissions issue.
Here's how to make your CONFIG changes stick, courtesy of 'Aimhere'
I also managed to get Milkdrop2 to be able to save changes to its settings, by changing Windows' folder permissions as discussed previously on this thread
You only need to change the permissions on the configuration files themselves (NOT the "Milkdrop2" or "Visualizations" folder, or the Media Center folder... absolutely not on the entire "Program Files" folder!).
If you followed the installation instructions correctly, Milkdrop2 lives in "C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 19\Visualizations\Milkdrop2" (this is for 64-bit Windows; remove the " (x86)" if using 32-bit Windows). This folder contains a second "milkdrop2" folder and several individual files. The "milk2.ini" and "milk2_adapters.txt" files are the only ones that need their permissions changed.
For each of these files:
* In Windows Explorer, right-click the file and select "Properties..."
* Click on the "Security" tab.
* Click on the "Edit" button.
* In the list of group or user names, click "Users".*
* Down below, in the list of Permissions, click "Modify". "Write" will also become checked.
* Click "Okay" to close the "Permissions" dialog, then "Okay" in the "Properties" dialog.
After that, you should be able to change the settings in Milkdrop2 and they will be saved between sessions.
Hope this helps.
*(Note: I only needed to change permissions for "Users". You may need to also set them for "creator owner". To do this, in the "Permissions" dialog you would click "Add", type "creator owner" and click "Okay", then click on "creator owner" in the group/users list and add the Modify/Write permissions as above.)
and/or this section:
I was having trouble with access rights to change files in those folders until this tip from beats_works:
Quote from: beats_works on December 30, 2016, 11:32:35 pm:
Not sure what issue you encountered but I changed permissions on Presets folder and can change ratings by hitting 6 then +/- and the ratings stick.
* In Windows Explorer, right-click the Presets folder and select "Properties..."
* Click on the "Security" tab.
* Click on the "Edit" button.
* In the list of group or user names, click "Users".*
* Down below, in the list of Permissions, click "Modify". "Write" will also become checked.
* Click "Okay" to close the "Permissions" dialog, then "Okay" in the "Properties" dialog.
...You might try that on the folder containing the .ini or other config files and see if it helps.
William, thank you for alerting me that it was a permissions issue and providing detailed instructions how to change the permissions.
I employed an alternative, easy method to change permissions by right clicking on the files then clicking "Take Ownership, the changes immediately take effect in the background without the need to open or close any windows.
A few years ago, when I was running on Vista (or was it XP), I was tired of dealing with the frustrating hit-and-miss orthodox method of modifying permissions. It was during that time I discovered a registry hack that still works.
In a recent article (March 16, 2017) entitled How to Add “Take Ownership” to the Right-Click Menu in Windows Explorer, How-To brought the hack back into the spotlight.
Near the end of their article you will see Download Our One-Click Registry Hacks. The download will be a compressed folder containing a InstallTakeOwnership.reg file and a RemoveTakeOwnership.reg file.
Here is the URL to the article:
Yes, I remember using this a few years back, too. I sometimes forget that it is Microsoft's computer and that they're just letting me borrow it. :-\
I installed the hack, just in case...
Be interesting to find out why MC insists on owning that particular piece of real estate and making it difficult to make any changes.
Probably because tech support is much easier if we can't change anything. ;-}
Truthfully, this is the only program I have such issues with. Definitely bookmarked the hacks and I'll install those on the HTPC for playing around. It's also a PITA to change or upgrade any of my SoundSpectrum visualizations, and that will help a lot.
Be interesting to find out why MC insists on owning that particular piece of real estate and making it difficult to make any changes.
Not sure what you mean by that.
Milkdrop is just incredibly old, it was written before UAC (User Account Control) was a thing in Windows, so it can't deal with the new security concepts of Windows. Thats nothing directly to do with MC.
Its also perfectly normal for files and folders in the "Program Files" directory to not be directly editable by users, settings are supposed to be stored elsewhere - but see above for old. :)
Hendrick: Yep, it would be nice to be able to put the default presets folder under the "user" hierarchy. Haven't been able to figure out how to do that, though. I'm kinda surprised that there hasn't been more activity in visualizers, though I do have ProjectM (a MilkDrop2 derivative) on my Android phone... I guess it must be hard to generate enough revenue to interest devs. Happily, Media Center keeps on rolling. 8)
just wanted to offer up a tip for registering the milk2.dll...i couldn't get it to register at the command line so i downloaded a tiny free stand alone app called RegTool and it was simple to get it to install.
Editing the first post didn't bump the thread. I just added a new pack of presets for us MD2 lovers. DL link in first post.
just wanted to offer up a tip for registering the milk2.dll...i couldn't get it to register at the command line so i downloaded a tiny free stand alone app called RegTool and it was simple to get it to install.
Oh, and thanks, csslouis for the tip!
The MilkDrop2 visualization, at least w/ the current installation instructions, doesn't work w/ JRiver 23 64bit version. W/ the 32bit version, it works fine.
Correct! and it never will, unless some kindly programmer decides to update the code.
So nobody got it work for MC23 64bit?? That is very sad,I did not know this before upgrading...does anybody know a replacement?
Hi, I've just been trying to get this to work on JRiver 23 on Windows 10 x64. Finally figured out it's just the "milkdrop2-jrmc23-64bit.reg" file actually still has JRiver 22 in the path instead of 23.
Just edit the 22 in the reg file to 23, i.e:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 22\Plugins\Display\MilkDrop2]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Center 23\Plugins\Display\MilkDrop2]
Correct! and it never will, unless some kindly programmer decides to update the code.
This breaks my heart, as Milkdrop is the best visualization plugin ever made. :(
This breaks my heart, as Milkdrop is the best visualization plugin ever made. :(
For quite a few reasons I agree with you, and I have been bummed since I moved to x64 media center. But I soon realized it is pretty trivial to run winamp through media center in order to bask in the glow of milkdrop.
I do not run mc as a dedicated media server and if you're like me, then all you need to do is:
- Make sure you have the WDM driver installed from media center (options --> general --> features --> check WDM driver at the bottom).
- From tools --> advanced tools --> select media server.
Now you have a nice little (virtual) audio output device in your windows audio settings. (Do not change your audio out settings in mc, for those who may not be familiar with running virtual devices).
At this point you can set JRiver Media Center 24 as your default audio out device under sound options in window, but since you're probably only using winamp for this specific reason, it is easier just to set the default audio output of winamp to the virtual mc device.
I went through winamp and made sure all dsp, leveling, and funny audio tricks were off, and that is pretty much it. Throw some tunes into winamp, fire up milkdrop, and let your brain melt, while retaining the goodness of mc. Shouldn't take more than a couple minutes and all of this is a one time thing, meaning you shouldn't have to repeat any of this once it's done. And milkdrop is running in its native environment so unless you really start messing with milkdrop and the output (and why wouldn't you? :P ), everything is as stable as it can be. Overall, very easy and non-intrusive.
If you've never messed with anything like a virtual sound card, once it is installed as a windows device, make sure you go into your sound settings and set it up just like you would a physical device (number of speakers, format, etc.). Also, if you're experiencing crazy latency, make sure you're adjusting on the winamp side, because that's where it is. For doing something like this, the default winamp buffers are huge, so you may have to smack them around a little. I don't think I ever experienced anything during playback, but skipping to the next track or scanning through a song caused problems until I got the buffers where they wanted to be.
Anyway, it works very well for me when I want it to and it's simple enough for something as awesome as milkdrop. And if you're feeling spunky you can cram spout into milkdrop for added flavor.
If you have any questions feel free to let me know. I have managed to get a lot of programs to work in or with mc over the years, including an embarrassing amount of vst plugins, so ping me if you dare! :o
Also, I would like to thank everyone that helped in getting milkdrop to function in mc. It worked very well thanks to your efforts, and that was the only reason why I even hesitated upgrading to x64 mc.
Sorry for drudging up such an old thread, but I've been trying to install Milkdrop I've finally discovered that my error has been that I've been working with Media Center 24 (x64).
What I need to know now is whether using the 64 bit version has any real advantages. Has anyone noticed any real world performance differences? If not, I'll install the 32 bit version so that I can enjoy superior visualizations. They're pretty trippy on a 3D screen when using the virtual 3D setting on my TV!
Can I get a little help here please?
As far as I understand the forum is the only place to get customer support and so it's a little disheartening to find that some questions remain ignored.
All I need to know is whether or not playback/local network streaming would suffer if I were to "regress" back to the 32 bit version in order to use Milkdrop.
Thanks and sorry for the trouble
Nope, it wouldn't regress.
Hendrick: Yep, it would be nice to be able to put the default presets folder under the "user" hierarchy. Haven't been able to figure out how to do that, though. I'm kinda surprised that there hasn't been more activity in visualizers, though I do have ProjectM (a MilkDrop2 derivative) on my Android phone... I guess it must be hard to generate enough revenue to interest devs. Happily, Media Center keeps on rolling. 8)
+1, I do have at one time on my Samsung Galaxy note 3 cell phone a ProjectM (clone of MilkDrop2 ). I paid for it, but had to remove it because of storage concerns.
I hope to bring it back when Sony Xperia 1 is on hand.
When JRiver for Android comes of age, maybe ProjectM can be integrated with it.
Nope, it wouldn't regress.
Thank you, sir. I will make adjustments.
VenoM - I'n case it helps I use MC v25 x64 and it works fine with milkdrop2 so you should be able to get it to work - I just followed the post below and altered the reg file in notepad before installing. Mind you you'll have to re-install milkdrop each time you update jrmc it seems
VenoM - I'n case it helps I use MC v25 x64 and it works fine with milkdrop2 so you should be able to get it to work - I just followed the post below and altered the reg file in notepad before installing. Mind you you'll have to re-install milkdrop each time you update jrmc it seems
Are you running the 64bit version of MC v25? Or is it the 32bit version of MC running on 64bit windows. Please clarify. If it is the 64bit version of MC, where is the "post below" that you followed? Thx
Thanks for the assistance. I'm attempting to install Milkdrop2 in MC 24 with Windows 10 64bit. So far it has frozen every time I attempt to select MilkDrop from the visualizations selector while a track is playing. I followed directions precisely and verified my registry entries.
I just uninstalled Media Center and will attempt to start from scratch once more. I thought I had edited the reg file correctly, but I guess mistakes can happen.
@Wombat66, By "post below" I believe Axilian meant the readme file linked to in the original post.
Edit: GOT IT!!!!
I think where I screwed up was installing the 32bit version Media Center over top of the 64bit version before uninstalling the 64bit version. ::)
Hi folks -- I installed under MC25, but when I click the Milkdrop2 item in Playing now nothing happens -- it just returns to Cover Art. No errors or anything
Anything special to get it working in MC25 64bit? (I've properly updated the version number in the .reg, unblocked the files in Properties, etc.).
I think it only works with the 32-bit version of MC regardless of your Windows (32 or 64 bit) version. On a related note, anybody made it work with MC 26? Doesn't work here.
MilkDrop works just fine in MC26 32 bit but only in 32 bit version...
Maybe recheck the regedit paths?
did you regsvr32 milkdrop dll?
i can't download this anymore...
can you repost it?
nevermind i found it in my drive