Devices => Androids and other portables => Topic started by: jeffcdo on August 19, 2015, 02:17:46 am

Title: Managing multiple Micro SD cards
Post by: jeffcdo on August 19, 2015, 02:17:46 am
I'm a little unclear as to how to go about managing the music for a portable device across multiple micro SD cards.  I'm assuming I can give each card a unique name, but are there any strategies that might allow me to avoid duplicating music across the cards?  I would be interested to read some suggestions of how people who own digital audio players such as the Pono or new Sony Walkman go about managing music on their devices with JRiver.
Title: Re: Managing multiple Micro SD cards
Post by: jagdriver on August 25, 2015, 11:42:55 am
This has been an issue for several years, in that I first ran into this problem with my old Sansa e200, then a Fuze and a Fuze+. My MP3/FLAC collection is quite numerous.

My solution was to create an Excel spreadsheet, which I periodically update. One column tells me at a glance what volume a track resides on. Other columns deal with genre, date added, playlist (by name) inclusion, and so forth. I've even taken to using a row color code on a per-genre basis to assist visual identification.

Of course, one could have a separate sheet for each genre, but I chose not to go that route.
Title: Re: Managing multiple Micro SD cards
Post by: newsposter on September 01, 2015, 05:30:40 pm
On the other hand, 200Gb microSD cards are available now.....
Title: Re: Managing multiple Micro SD cards
Post by: blgentry on September 13, 2015, 03:32:33 pm
MC's Handheld Sync system lets  you decide what to put on each card.  This is primarily done via Playlists or SmartLists.  So you could, for example, make a smartlist with Artists with A-L .  Then a second SmartList with Artists M-Z.  That's one very rudimentary way of doing it.  Each card has a unique name, and can have unique sync properties.

Now, I'm a little bit unclear how MC recognizes cards, but it's supposed to be able to keep them separate and uniquely identified.  Here's the wiki entry on Handheld Sync:

Title: Re:
Post by: Dorsai on September 13, 2015, 04:32:47 pm
I have yet to see any evidence that MC is able to differentiate between cards with different names. It seems to default to the playlist(s) associated with the last card that got synced from that particular drive letter.
Title: Re: Managing multiple Micro SD cards
Post by: jeffcdo on September 14, 2015, 01:00:33 am
It should be possible to set up each card as a separate "device" manually.  Any directory can be set up as a virtual device.  For example I have iTunes set up as a device, but the path just points to my "Automatically add to iTunes" directory.  As long as the cards have different names it should work although I haven't tested it.