while playing Music in JRiver MC20/MC21 over ASIO/WASAPI causes small freezes. Like if i type here, my typing comes sometimes one second later on the screen. Could that because USB Prioritizing? It does immediately stop if i stop playing audio in JRiver.
The Problem persists on a blank Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 installation with nothing but JRiver installed.
I7-2600k (default) settings @BIOS
16GB Corsair Vengeance 1333mhz
Bequiet Dark Power Pro 11
nVidia GTX 770
Mainboard USB Port 1 -> O2ODAC
OS:Windows 10 x64 but problem persists since Windows 7
Mainboard -> PCIe USB Controller Renesas -> Mouse,Keyboard
Windows Settings: Energy saving -> off (even for USB) followed outdated
https://www.ableton.com/en/help/article/optimize-windows/If i use Media Player Classic with DirectSound it never happens. It's really annoying. Sometimes even if i write here and press the Space letter it comes to late and instead itslikethis.
I could test with an PS/2 Keyboard. But it doesnt change a thing. There is just a initial delay before my Input comes. It feels random. But it's at least all 3 seconds in average.
There are Java based Games out. I dont know if JRiver is based on Java, but could it interfere?
What could i do? It's about 1 and a half year. But i didnt created a Thread. Already tried so much of different Setups...
Please help