I do not understand your licensing terminology or practices.
Yesterday I bought a license to MC22 (Master) and installed it on one computer. I was under the impression that I could register other seats of MC22, on other computers in my house, within 14 days, and that doing so was separate from "restoring" licenses—something that you can do 10 times per year.
So I registered a second seat of MC22 today, within the 14-day window. Specifically, I went into the trial version of MC22 on a second computer in my house and entered the license key from my initial registration-confirmation email.
To my surprise, your system then emailed me to say that I had used up 1 of my 10 annual restores. That was not my intention, and it does not seem consistent with the 14-day window for registering on other computers.
Please clarify the relationship between the 14-day window and the 10 annual "restores." If you have to do something other than input a registration key to use the 14-day window, please make that clear. I just don't understand your licensing system.
Thanks! JRiver Media Center is the absolute best replacement for Windows Media Center, and I love the functionality, but I don't understand the 14-day window vs. the 10-restoration business.