Did you guys try changing the start Date and Time in the "To Be Recorded" display?
I only get 7 days of EPG, but the To Be Recorded display Date can be changed to three weeks out. Of course I only have one weeks of scheduled recordings, so that is all that is displayed.
Okay, I set up a recording out in December, and it didn't display in the "To Be Recorded" list. I agree that is should display there. In fact, the list should display anything that has been scheduled to be recorded, without restriction.
In fact even if I set a recording to October 4th, which I can set as the data to display from, it doesn't show. Or September 28th. September 27th is the first date that displays regardless of the start Date set in "To Be Recorded". As it is currently September 14th here, that is exactly two weeks out, counting today.
So the display is definitely limited yo 14 days inclusive of today. That shouldn't be necessary these days, with PC speed and storage.