Normally, MC23 plays my blu rays fine. It skips the main disk menu, however, so I do not know if it is playing the director's cut, extended, or other version of the movie. Usually, these selections are made from the one iso file, as opposed to being different rips so that would seem to be an essential ability to have (selecting which version). MC just seems to play the first item on the top level menu. Is that true?
Here's a puzzling example that suggests more is going on. I am trying to watch Inception. That has a commented mode ("Extraction") with about an hour of additional commentary. That mode is third over in the top level menu. The uncommented version is the first item on the menu. MC plays extraction. I have no idea why MC23 is picking the Extraction version, or how to tell it not to. Similarly, how do I tell it to pick the extended version of some other disks (like Chronicles of Ridick) if I can't see the top level menu. The arrow keys don't seem to offer that option. Anyone?