I had a couple of recordings at 1am Sunday (when most of US changes time back an hour). This doesn't seem to be handled by MC.
UTC/epoch march on as normal but the delta to computing wall clock changes.
The effect in the fall is that after 1:59am the time jumps back to 1am (falls back) :
Sunday 12am 1am...1:59am 1am 2am 3am
This caused the 1am recordings to record for an extra hour. Specifically, they should have recorded from 12:59am until 2:01am (1 minute extra at each end) but "2:01 am" didn't occur until an extra hour passed. Aside from the recordings going long, from what I can tell there is no way to properly see/record anything during the second 1am slot.
I know this is a bit of a corner case but it happens every year and seems like something worth fixing. Maybe keep all times in UTC and simply display the local time? This way the EPG etc could show repeated 1am in the fall and show the skip of 2am in the Spring.
I'm guessing in the Spring (time +1 forward) won't work properly when a program at 3am is scheduled to start N minutes early since the time suddenly jumps from 1:59am to 3am.