What gets printed depends on the View, Playlist, or Smartlist you are displaying. Make a View, Playlist, or Smartlist with only the fields you want to be printed, and you will get fewer pages.
For example, the attached PDF is three pages because of the width of the print, because of the fields I am displaying in the Playlist. The actual list of the important stuff is all on the first page. I could have set up the print to just print the first page and been done (if the printer setup allowed it), or printed in landscape to get just two pages wide. Or changed the Playlist to only show important fields. Or printed to PDF, as I did, and then only printed the pages I wanted of that.
BTW you can also just display a list, select all, Copy, and then open Excel or similar and Paste the list into that. Then you can format the print to your heart's desire.
Lots of alternatives to quickly get a simple list out of MC.