I've uninstalled McAfee and have configured Windows Firewall to allow Media Center 26.exe, MC26.exe, JRService.exe, and JRWorker.exe to function on my private network.
Am I missing something? Do I need to extend permission to all of these?
I've rebooted my PC several times and have restarted to phone several times—including after uninstalling Gizmo, then reinstalling it and adding the requisite Access Key. I have repeatedly tested the key, too, with nary an error.
I did have a brief internet outage this past Thursday. But all of my other network gear functions fine. Yet I'm left wondering if something got reset, perhaps internally in the router?
What appears odd is that Gizmo is attempting to connect to
http://c-##-###-###-##.hsd1.ma.comcast.net:52199. The lowercase c in the address looks odd to me, but diagnosing that is above my pay grade.
Oh, and I've tried Gizmo with Windows Firewall turned off (along with McAffee unistalled). No go.
Also, when I reinstalled Gizmo, it did t reflect my current access key. In rekeying that Access Key, the connection failed after several retries and the new Access Key entry didn't stick.