Hi Everybody,
I'm having problems with WDM on Windows 10. Up until yesterday, I was running JRiver25 and trying to run audio through WDM, which locked up Windows 10 so hard that the only way to recover was a power cycle. This morning, I went ahead and upgraded to the newest version of JRiver26. The good news is that JRiver no longer locks up the machine but the bad news is that I still can't get WDM audio to work.
I have a PS Audio PWD II with bridge (network DAC, not using USB). JRiver can still send audio to the DAC with or without WDM enabled. The only reason I'm enabling WDM is so I can run Room EQ Wizard (REW) on the same Windows i5 mini-tower machine. I've already verified that I can do this with USB, which does not require WDM but I normally use the DACs bridge instead of the USB port.
REW is not the problem. Without REW running, I can select Windows 10 speaker properties, which shows "Media Center 25" when WDM is enabled, and click the Media Center 25 "speaker properties" test button, which produces no audio. However, Windows gives a visual indication that audio is being sent.
I did restart JRiver26 after enabling WDM.