I use MC at two places in the house, streaming from a central NAS. In each instance, a hand-me-down laptop is connected via USB to an DAC/amplifier at each of the two locations, and I control the streaming at each site at the respective laptop
However, in our main system, I wish to incorporate MC, but control it remotely from the sofa. In this case, I would like a silent PC (hard-wired to the home network, could be windows, could be linux) of some kind, running MC and feeding the adjacent DAC via USB. I have a MS Surface which I typically use when lounging on the sofa, which ideally could be used as a controller.
I know that, in the high fidelity world, there are a number of network streaming devices that could do what I want, but I am familiar with MC, and I know that MC streams gaplessly, whereas the prefab platforms do not make this claim.
I would appreciate any advice on how to begin architecting this system.