1. Trying to play some streaming web media, e.g. Bloomberg, doesn't connect, which isn't problematic itself, but the dialog that comes up is one line that is WIDER THAN THE SCREEN saying "Windows Media Player: Windows Media Player cannot find the specified file"
2. When attempting to play other streaming web media, e.g. WOLF FM (128k), I will also get the "Warning" dialog saying "Media Center encountered errors while trying to play the last several files. Make sure that the path in the Media Jukebox library points to the right location."—even though only one unsuccessful attempt was made and the error message is inapplicable to Web Media.
3. Attempting to play other streaming seb media, e.g. BBC Radio 1 the first time errors out producing a "JRR Reader" dialog that says "Failed to connect to a server. Reason: Object not found." Followed by a "Warning" dialog that says "Please select files to play." Subsequent attempts to play this just produce the second dialog.