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Author Topic: Quick Start Guide for Installing an OLED display on rPi reading track info  (Read 1894 times)


  • Guest

Install Raspberry PI OS (32 bit)
The installation is valid for the rPi4, installing on previous version haven’t been tested by me.
As always, I start with a clean install.

Pay attention. The installation script will default python to V3. If you don’t want this or relying on V2, don’t continue.

It’s just a very basic script displaying track data, feel free to modify to your needs. I am sure code could be more efficient (especially the attribute reading), but I am not a python programmer. (and def. not looking to master a 7th programming language  :P)
I’ve assumed that you have JRiver running, with the media network enabled and protected with a password. If you don’t use a password, you need to modify the function. See below.  The script comes as is.
When Artist/track or album exceeds 16 chars, the lines will scroll.

Perform the needed setups:
-   Enable wait for boot till network is available:
Code: [Select]
sudo raspi-config

Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Add baudrate to boot config
Code: [Select]
sudo echo "dtparam=i2c_arm_baudrate=800000" >> /boot/config.txt
To setup JRiver on the rPi, read my other topic.

Setup drivers etc
I am not writing everything down, there are some good instructions that will setup all required libraries. Follow the instructions on:
Step 1:
Step 2:
Shut down your Pi and connect the display:
Code: [Select]
sudo shutdown
Connect display
Pi         display
Pin3 (SDA)   SDA
Pin1 (5V)      VCC
Pin5 (SCL)      SCL
Pin14 (GND)   GND

Boot the Pi

Create a new directory in your home folder
Code: [Select]
cd ~/
mkdir oled && cd oled
Code: [Select]
Make the script executable
Code: [Select]
Chmod a+X
There are only a few setting to review, I’ve listen then below.
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
#Modify the url to your JRiver instance
sURL = ''

#If you set the authentication in th emedia network, add the details below.
#If not modify function geturl(url), for the proper call
sUsername = 'username'
sPassword = 'password'

debug = 0

#Set the demensions of your OLED
WIDTH = 128

#Here you can rotate your display when needed, 0=0deg, 1=90deg, 2=180deg, 3=270deg

def geturl(url):
#If you need credetials to access the media network use this line
r = requests.get(url, auth=(sUsername, sPassword))
#If you don't need credentials, use this line
#r = requests.get(url)

Check if the script will run:
Code: [Select]
If all went ok the screen should work.

Add script to startup of the Pi:
Code: [Select]
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Add the following line BEFORE exit 0
Code: [Select]
sudo python3 /home/pi/oled/ &

Save with CTRL + o, ENTER, CTRL + x

Test if the script will work on reboot. Start JRiver and select a random song.
Go back to the terminal:
Code: [Select]
cd /etc
sudo ./rc.local

If all goes well, you see something like this:

Have fun

Change log: OLED_V1.1.0:
  • When Status = 'Buffering...', 'Opening...', 'Waiting' or 'Aborting, Please wait' Show hourglass instead of JRiver logo
  • With long text, only scroll that line instead of all three lines (Artist, track and Album)



  • Guest

Change log: OLED_V1.1.0:
  • When Status = 'Buffering...', 'Opening...', 'Waiting' or 'Aborting, Please wait' Show hourglass instead of JRiver logo
  • With long text, only scroll that line instead of all three lines (Artist, track and Album)
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