I version .47 the "Zone Switch" option is broken. I can only switch zones under the "Playing now" tab, but I used to switch it from the toolbar->Zones way as I have placed the Zones menu in there. But switching from there doesn't work, the playback always starts in the zone that is first in the list.
Example zones:
1. Sound Card - Direct Sound
2. Sound Card - WASAPI
3. Sound Card - ASIO
No matter which one I have selected from the list, when I start the playback it always sets the zone back to 1. Sound Card - Direct Sound.
And switching Zones automatically in under the Playing Now tab doesn't work either if playback is in progress. I have set for each zone to stop playback if another is selected and playback is started from there, but it doesn't stop and switch, it just continues the playback in the current zone. I have to manually stop the playback, switch to the other zone tab and start playback from there.
Please fix thix bug, thank you!