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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here  (Read 3927 times)


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JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« on: December 18, 2024, 03:58:18 pm »

This is the latest build of JRiver Media Center 33.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

Download 64-bit build (works on 64 bit systems only)

Download 32-bit build (works on all systems)

33.0.52 (12/17/2024)

1. Fixed: Genius was not working for lyrics lookup.
2. Changed: Updated German translation file (thanks Bytestar).
3. Changed: When deleting files, the option to track the removed file is now optional (they're tracked by default so re-import maintains all the data, unchecking the new option makes the files really go away).
4. Fixed: Text with custom font sizes in the PNP was drawing too small on Windows OS. Will require tweaking of custom font sizes if skin was designed on Windows.

33.0.51 (12/12/2024)

1. Changed: Updated Live555 to the latest version.

33.0.50 (12/10/2024)

1. Changed: ShellRun searches the system for files so something like "cmd" will work.
2. Changed: MCWS File/GetFilledTemplate requires authentication since expressions can be used to run things now.
3. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
4. Changed: Playing Now popup settings remembers the position.
5. NEW: When dragging over tabs, the tab switch is delayed. Settle on the tab for a little and it will switch but not when just passing over.

33.0.49 (12/5/2024)

1. Changed: Expand All Under in the tree is not shown for library views because they can be incredibly slow on large libraries.
2. Fixed: When going into a library view that doesn't need the alphabet, space will no longer be reserved for it anyway. It also comes and goes as you change the search.
3. Changed: When calling ShellRun, it will return the result if you block.
4. Fixed: ShellRun was not checking the number of arguments.
5. Changed: Updated all translations to the latest strings from the code.
6. Fixed: The Playing Now popup could show for the wrong file when playing on a client.
7. Fixed: Playing Now did not show when first starting playback of a file that was already selected.

33.0.48 (12/3/2024)

1. NEW: PNP screen position presets (top-left, bottom-right, etc.) are selectable in the Settings. The default is bottom right, but a custom position can still be set with the Move menu item.
2. Changed: If the PNP is disabled in the Settings, the popup is closed when the Settings dialog is closed.
3. Changed: Slovak translation updated (thanks Peter Lukáč).
4. NEW: Added a before playback expression.
5. NEW: Added a ShellRun expression.
6. Fixed: The right-click in Options did not work properly on pages with things above the options tree.

33.0.47 (11/27/2024)

1. Fixed: JRVR would disable HDR mode when stopping playback when it was not supposed to (eg. when the screen is always in HDR mode).

33.0.46 (11/26/2024)

1. NEW: Added an expand all and collapse all right-click menu to options pages when clicking a grouping item.
2. Changed: Updated JRVR HDR pass-through for Windows 11 24H2 to better support automatically enabling HDR mode, if needed.
3. NEW: Added support for three state tree expand buttons to show a mouse over image.

33.0.45 (11/25/2024)

1. Fixed: Corrupt DSD files could crash the decoder.
2. Changed: PNP will show on startup based on the "Pop up even when playback is stopped" setting.
3. Changed: PNP re-uses open popup and slightly delays first draw to try to avoid "flashing".
4. Changed: Reverted the DSP window shrinking added recently.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

jack wallstreet

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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2024, 07:21:30 pm »

Trivial suggestion for the playing now popup (shows extreme laziness).  have the context menu item "show playing now" be a toggle.  when playing now is up, the option becomes "hide playing now"


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2024, 09:10:20 pm »

This is the latest build of JRiver Media Center 33.
Download 64-bit build (works on 64 bit systems only)

33.0.52 (12/17/2024)
4. Fixed: Text with custom font sizes in the PNP was drawing too small on Windows OS. Will require tweaking of custom font sizes if skin was designed on Windows.
Note this fix (or something related to it) also appears to have improved upon a problem i encountered wrt PNP display on Windows monitors of different resolutions.  I recently got a new 4K desktop monitor (3840 x 2160).  In 33.0.47 I had to set PNP to 150% or greater to get a readable text size on the 4K (100% was really tiny), while 100% worked on older lower resolution monitors.  Now I find PNP 100% is readable (though 110% is a little better for me) on the 4K, and 100% is still good on the older monitors!  Maybe PNP could detect monitor resolution (or pull it out of a user's personal monitor database) and adjust the 100% scaling to give same physical display size (or fraction of window size) automatically, across all of a user's monitors.  In any case, the situation seems to have improved.  :)

33.0.50 (12/10/2024)
5. NEW: When dragging over tabs, the tab switch is delayed. Settle on the tab for a little and it will switch but not when just passing over.
Note this fix also appears to address a long-standing issue I encountered wrt to switching tabs with the mouse.  I would often have to linger on the new tab and sometimes click 2-3 times until the click "registered" and  finally brought focus to the tab. It was always frustratingly hit-and-miss. In 33.0.52 the focus switch is achieved very smoothly on first click (my impression so far)!  :)

33.0.48 (12/3/2024)
1. NEW: PNP screen position presets (top-left, bottom-right, etc.) are selectable in the Settings. The default is bottom right, but a custom position can still be set with the Move menu item.
FYI:  I prefer to locate PNP at "bottom center - always on top" with Windows Taskbar Setting "Automatically Hide the Taskbar", which also means the Taskbar pops up when I drag mouse to bottom edge of screen.  But I always positioned the PNP offset slightly upwards from center bottom, just enough so as to not interfere with the Windows Task Bar popping up.  What I notice now is that the PNP built-in setting "bottom center - always on top" initially blocks the center of the Windows Taskbar, but left mouse button click anywhere on the Windows Taskbar raises it above the PNP (at least for duration of current PNP display).  For me that's unexpected good behavior, a feature which should be maintained if possible!  Display Windows always appear behind the PNP per its setting.   :)

From my limited perspective, a great release so far.  Now if we only had a fourth state for the Tree expansion buttons...   ;D

12/24/2024:  The 4 states would be:  COLLAPSED, EXPANDED, OVER COLLAPSED, OVER EXPANDED.  It should accept NumberImages= "1","2","3", or "4".  The current skin file main.xml behavior is good for case "3":
   <Entry Name="ExpandButton" Bitmap="Tree_ExpandButton_3State.png" NumberImages="3" />



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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2024, 11:48:31 am »


I have been using version 33.0.13 and then 33.0.30 and is having something strength with the internal volume setting as described in my post on another thread in which I originally just wanted to ask a question about using internal volume to address the inter sample peak related distortions, but while experimenting with internal volume, I found a problem as follow:

First, my original question:
If I only use internal volume to say, lower the gain from 100 to 70 in order to reduce the chance of ISP distortions, then do I have to be concerned about volume levelling and adaptive volume options?    Or I must use one or both of those features along with internal volume <100 in order to reduce or avoid ISP distortions.

Then my discovery of losing volume when using internal volume, on my laptop, yet seemed okay on the desktop PC (not okay either after a while), and the following posts described the issues I am having:

I tried using internal volume, but the sound output became very quiet, is there an adjustment to make the boost the sound volume back up?

Thank you.

Update:  I suddenly remember I have not uninstalled MC32 yet so I tried it and it worked fine, got the volume back.   So then I uninstalled MC33 and re-installed it right away and then it started to work as well.   I have to wonder if it is bug in MC33, that might be hard to discover as it likely would only act up under certain conditions.

2nd update:  This is driving me crazy, was all happy using internal volume successfully on my laptop, but the same volume loss issue happened shortly later, then I decided to uninstall version 330013 and install 33.0030, realizing that on my desktop it was running 330030.    After that I let the laptop running for hours and the issue never reoccurred.

Then woke up this morning, started up the desktop, play some music as usual, even the same playlist, and was surprised to hear very low volume.    This desktop was doing fine with internal volume yesterday when the laptop was losing volume doing it.    I have not tried the laptop yet today.     What the heck is going on with this internal volume thing??   I guess I am the only one having this trouble.    I wasn't running JR on my laptop and desktop simultaneously either so I don't think that could be the reason.

3rd update:  Yes, the laptop is losing volume too first time I used it this morning.   Do the uninstall and install routine and it started to work again, also tried stop, start, closed/opened the app, and even reboot the laptop and it still is working so far for almost 30 minutes now.     Based on recent history, the issue will come back.    At this point I don't think there is anything else I can try except may be starting using versin 32 again and see what happens.   

Could this be an undocumented "bug"?

Thank you in advance.

Update:  I went back to MC version 32 and there is no loss in volume when using internal volume.   So I have to conclude that ver. 33 has a bug that results in volume drop after using internal volume for a while, such as a day.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2024, 06:01:05 pm »

I am having problems in JRiver 33 with audio Blu-ray rips and .TS files. The picture hangs, but the audio continues. Sometimes the program crashes completely.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2024, 06:53:11 pm »

Are you ripping with makeMKV?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2025, 02:41:46 pm »

Hi, love the software but sadly there is a very annoying bug which was also present in 32:

When playing back recorded TV, fast forwarding at the start (or even the end) will sometimes cause MC to freeze completely.  So completely that any recordings in progress are interrupted so it's a race to kill off and relaunch.  No log file as yet but I've started logging and will attach if it happens again soon


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2025, 03:13:22 pm »

3rd attempt at posting due to I presume attachment size.

I believe the problem starts around record 154385125 in PreviousLog.txt.

Still unable to add the attachment even though I've trimmed it down to 3022KB.  Can someone tell me the max attachment size?


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2025, 03:21:36 pm »

manicfiddler, please email your logs to yaobing at jriver. Hopefully they include a crash dump. Thanks.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2025, 05:00:39 pm »

If the size of the log files are too large for even emailing, you may need to use a file sharing service. You can email me the link in that case.

In such case, as you do not know when the hang or crash would happen, you can set a limit on the logging files - by choosing a size at "Auto reset when file size reaches:" 5 MB to 10 MB probably is good for emailing.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.52 for Windows -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2025, 11:50:26 am »

Thanks, email sent
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