Hello all:
I have been enjoying MC 11 for a couple of weeks now, I'm so glad to see them support HDTV Wonder, as I seriously hate ATI software. Changing channels between HDTV and the Analog tuner is kind of a nifty Idea. After working with it for awhile, I've noticed that I cant send numbers to the full screen view, and have the channel change to a station of my choosing, I have to channel up or channel down (pretty combersome) to get to the channel I want.
For the awesome programing staff, Can you get the TV view to accept numbers? Which brings me to my second thought.
Channel numbers are set differently for HDTV (9-1,9-2,etc) - so It may be more practical to allow the user to choose the input device. So on HDTV, if I want channel 9-2, I press 92 on the remote. If I have an analog channel of 92 - MC would be confused on what channel I wanted. Allowing the user to choose what input device he/she wanted would allow more precise control of the TV.
Just my 2 cents and my suggestion.