okay, i just found this software, and it seems to be the answer to my dreams...almost. i have an olympus m:robe and it doesn't sync properly with the m:robe. there are two major issues.
1. it puts files into the root dir, instead of the music dir
2. it doesn't write the index file needed for the m:robe os to find the music
now this index file is in xml, and has been hacked (there is a php script loader for the m:robe that works great at
http://robe.infinitesimal.org/ ).
so, i know nothing about writing plugins or code or anything, but i'm willing to do whatever it takes to get this perfect - cash, homemade cookies, whatever you want. i've posted a message on the m:robe user board at
http://mrobe.org along the same lines...maybe if some of the smart folks over there got together with some of the smart folks over here...
any thoughts? thanks! love the software otherwise!