Wow, this is a big hassle.
I installed 11 without uninstalling 12. Trying to restore, it sent me 2 emails, and took away two restores, no big deal there. It didn't activate automatically. OK, check email, save mjr file to desktop, restore from file, it jumped to web site telling me it was registered. Start MC11 to be sure it was registered. It crashed. Start it again, seems OK, didn't check to see if it was registered, just figured it was because it just started. Close 11, run 12, try to buy, $39.98 full price. Run 11 again to check, tells me it has to run at least once with at least Power User privelages. OK, right click, Run as administrator. It's NOT registered. Register from file, jumps to web site telling me it's registered. This time, I think it is. Help/About says registered, Registration Info has stuff in it. OK, start 12 with right click, Run as Administrator (I'm getting smarter all the while here). Click Buy, NOW I get $19.98. It goes thru, doesn't register automatically. Wait for email, restore from file, WHEW, got it. Playing a song right this minute!!
Hope my wife or grandma doesn't have to do this! MJR file, what the hell is that? Why can't I just play my music, it always worked with that other thing (WMP), why are you always changing everything on this computer? lease I like this geek stuff.