"All I Need" by Sue Chastain
Track Info Page for JRiver Media Center 11 (
Switch between a dozen color styles, many of which were designed to coordinate with existing Mega-Me skins.
Color style selection is persistent.
Click on cover image to open full size.
Shows stars for song rating.
Shows song title, position in playlist, artist album, year.
Shows track number, length, play statistics, and format info.
Shows lyrics, genre, comments, keywords, notes, playlists, songs, and review.
Separate page shows artist info bio, born/formed, died/disbanded, artist's albums.
Search links to help you find missing lyrics, artist info, cover images, and shop for music. (All links launch in a new browser window.)
Download it here:
http://www.inkcredibleimages.com/mc11/All_I_Need.zipScreen shots showing different colors and skins:
To install, unzip and move the whole 'All I Need' folder into:
Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\Visualizations\Track Info\
I only know enough CSS and JavaScript to be dangerous, but I have been using and tweaking this for a couple of weeks and I think it's ready for prime-time. Let me know what you think and if you find any bugs. Also, if you have suggestions for additional search links, I don't mind adding a few more. Especially if you know any GOOD, large lyric sites without a ton of popups. It just has to be one where I can extract the search string from the URL.