I can’t find a previous post on the subject, but this seems like it might be something hardcore MJ users have tackled before:
I have several folders in my music library that I use for specific purposes, like a “Temp” folder for new downloads and a “Singles” folder for miscellaneous individual songs that don’t make sense to take up their own Artist/Album folder.
What I want to do is create a View Scheme where these special purpose folders are organized together, but haven’t been able to figure out a way to make this possible.
Actually, it was hard enough for me to figure out how to display a singular folder in a View Scheme. As a side note for those who might be interested in doing this, here's how I did it: Choosing Location as the Component type and then the “Temp” folder as the base directory yielded an “(unassigned)” blue folder which contained every entry in the entire library. The way I got it to actually display the contents of the specific folder was to make the base folder a directory higher than the “Temp” folder and then put “\Temp\” under the search criteria (both “\”s are necessary).
So, I’ve got a view scheme with one single location listed, but not multiple locations. I tried putting all three folders on the search criteria line, separated with a semi-colon, but I just got nothing. I looked into using a Smartlist instead, but Location does not appear as a rule. Anyone got any ideas on how I can do this?